“Cumulative Sets”
Chest Press
“Cumulative Sets”
Front Pulldown
“Cumulative Sets”
Shoulder Press
“Cumulative Sets”
Seated Row
“Cumulative Sets”
Seated Dip
“Cumulative Sets”
*Cumulative Sets
1. Select a weight that you can do for 15 reps, fresh.
2. Perform 1 Rep followed by :10 Rest
3. Perform 2 Reps followed by :10 Rest
4. Perform 3 Reps followed by :10 Rest
5. Continue until failure to complete prescribed reps.
3 rounds:
40yd Sled Pull 135/90
40yd Sled Push 135/90
(alternate rounds with a partner)
3 rounds:
40yd Sled Push 135/90
40yd Sled Pull 135/90
(alternate rounds with a partner)
3 rounds:
40yd Backwards Sled Pull 90/45
(alternate rounds with a partner)
70% 1X3
75% 2X2
80% 3X1
Clean + Jerk
70% 3+3
75% 2(2+2)
80% 3(1+1)
Pause Squat (:02 in bottom)
75% 3×3

“If I take care of my character, my reputation will take care of me.”
~Dwight L. Moody