7:00a Competitor
7:30a Kettlebell
8:00a Weightlifting
9:00a Upper Body
9:00a CrossFit
10:00a CrossFit
Upper Body
10-12-14-16 (decreasing load)
No rest between exercises.
Chest Press
Pec Deck
Shoulder Press
Dumbbell Lateral Raise
(alternate rounds with a partner)
10-12-14-16 (decreasing load)
No rest between exercises.
Front Pulldown
Rowing Torso
Seated Row
Standing Shrug
(alternate rounds with a partner)
2 rounds:
8 Seated Dip
10 Alt-Arm Dumbbell Curl
12 Multi-Triceps
(rest 1:00)
8 Barbell Curl
10 Standing French Press
12 Multi-Biceps
(alternate rounds with a partner)
Build to a 1RM
Clean & Jerk
Build to a 1RM
Back Squat
Build to a 1RM

“Training is everything. The peach was once a bitter almond; cauliflower is nothing but cabbage with a college education.”
~Mark Twain