For load:
Strict Press 8-6-4-2
(make consistent increases)
For time:
100 Sit-up
25 Double under
75 Kettlebell Swing 53/35
50 Double under
50 Wall Ball Shot 20/14
75 Double under
25 Box Jump 24/20
100 Double under
No measure:
2k Row
Back Squat
50% 1×8
55% 1×6
60% 1×4
65% 1×10
For time:
100 Sit-up
25 Double under
75 Kettlebell Swing 53/35
50 Double under
50 Wall Ball Shot 20/14
75 Double under
25 Box Jump 24/20
100 Double under
Muscle Snatch 4-4-4-4
(make consistent increases)
70% 4×3
Snatch Grip Press 4-4-4-4
(make consistent increases)
Back Squat
50% 1×8
55% 1×6
60% 1×4
65% 1×10
Weighted Sit-up 20-20-20

“Knowing reality means constructing systems of transformations that correspond, more or less adequately, to reality.”
~Jean Piaget