For load:
1.5 Press 2-2-2-2
(make consistent weight increases each set)
AMRAP 3:00
30 Push-ups
30 Kettlebell High Pulls 53/35
30 Sit-ups
30 Over the Box Jumps 20″
30 Pull-ups
(rest 3:00)
AMRAP 4:00
30 Push-ups
30 Kettlebell High Pulls 53/35
30 Sit-ups
30 Over the Box Jumps 20″
30 Pull-ups
(rest 3:00)
For time:
30 Push-ups
30 Kettlebell High Pulls 53/35
30 Sit-ups
30 Over the Box Jumps 20″
30 Pull-ups
Competitor 1&2
80% 2×2
85% 4×1
Halting Clean Pull (:03 BK)
100% 4×2
Front Squat
65% 1×5
70% 1×5
75% 1×5
80% 1×5
For load:
1.5 Weighted Chin-up 3-3-2-2-2
(make consistent weight increases each set)
For time:
Toes to Bar
Ball Slam 20/14
Hang Snatch (above knee)
75% 4×2
Floating Snatch Pull
80% 4×3
Tempo Squats
5×3 -choose weight-
Strict Pullups/Lat Pulldowns
4×8 -choose weight-
Strict T2B