For time:
10 Dball Over the Shoulder 100/60
20 Handstand Push-ups
30 Box Jumps 24/20
40 Leg Levers
50 Kettlebell Swings 53/35
60 Ball Slams 20/14
CrossFit Competitor
For load:
Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3
(rest 2:00)
For load:
Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5
(rest 2:00)
For time:
100 Kettlbell Swings 53/35
(do 5 HSPU at every break)
70% 2×3
80% 2×2
85% 2×1
Clean Pull: based on 1RM Clean
80% 2×3
90% 2×3
95% 1×2
Back Squat:
80% 2×3
90% 2×3
“To teach is to learn twice.”
~Joseph Joubert