Back Squat
“The Chief”
5 rounds for total reps:
AMRAP 3:00
3 Power Clean 135/95
6 Push-up
9 Air Squat
(rest 1:00 between AMRAP’s)
At a moderate load:
Every 1:00 for 10:00
2 Cluster
(add 10lbs/5lbs each set)
Clean + Hang Clean (BK)
70% 2(1+1)
75% 1+1
80% 2(1+1)
For time:
Back Squat 225/155
Calorie Ski
Russian Kettlebell Swing 70/53
Not timed:
100 Sit-up
20:00 to cycle max 4 rounds:
:30 Left Leg Russian Box Step-up
:30 Right Leg Russian Box Step-up
:30 Bike for Cals @85%
:30 Strict Pull-up or Ring Row
:30 Push-up
:30 Row for Cals @85%
(rest as needed between rounds)
4 Rounds for distance:
:30 Row
:30 Rest
70% 2×1
75% 2×1
80% 2×1
Clean & Jerk
70% 2×1
75% 2×1
80% 2×1
Front Squat
70% 2×1
75% 2×1
80% 2×1

“The truth is incontrovertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is.”
~Winston Churchill