For Load:
Overhead Squat 4-4-4-4
(make consistent increases)
“Cindy XXX”
AMRAP 20:00
10 Pull-up
20 Push-up
30 Air Squat
15 Pull-up
30 Push-up
45 Air Squat
20 Pull-up
40 Push-up
60 Air Squat
25 Pull-up
50 Push-up
75 Air Squat
30 Pull-up
60 Push-up
90 Air Squat
At a moderate load:
Every 1:00 for 10:00
2 Power Clean + 2 Push Press
(Add 10lbs/5lbs each minute)
Back Squat
70% 1×3
75% 1×3
80% 1×3
65% 1×10
3 rounds for time:
60 Double under
45 Calorie Row
15 Burpee over the Rower
(rest 2:00 between rounds)
20:00 to complete: (don’t exceed 4 rounds)
6-10 Back Squat
6-10 Strict/Assisted Supianted Pull-ups
:15-:30 Dip Support (Rx+ Rings – work turn out)
:30 Ski or Bike for Cals
AMRAP 9:00
Ball Slam
DB Thruster
Row for Cals
70% 1.2.3
75% 1.2.3
Snatch Pull
90% 2×3
95% 3×2
Back Squat
65% 1×6
70% 1×6
75% 2×4