Min 6-10: 2 Power Clean & Push Press
Min 11-15: 1 Clean & Jerk
*start every minute with 5 push-ups
(make consistent increases)
*follow each set with :30 ring rows or strict pull-ups
12 Single-Arm Bent Dumbbell Row (alt arms)
Score each workout by total reps.
Choose reps prior to start. Each round unbroken.
Even min: Front Squat (from ground) 225/155
*start each round with 5 box jumps 24/20
Even min: Clean (full) 185/125
*start each round with a 10′ hand walk
Even min: Power Clean 135/95
*start each round with 15 double under
Pause Snatch + Push Press + OHS
(15 each side)
“It is the fight alone that pleases us, not the victory.”
~Blaise Pascal