Renegade Rows (each arm) 6-5-4
(stabilization is the focus)
1 Clean Grip Snatch + 1 Clean Grip Overhead Squat
(make consistent increases)
1 Hang Snatch (AK) + 1 Hang Snatch (BK) + 1 Snatch
(make consistent increases)
*follow each set with :20 Sorenson Hold
(make consistent increases)
20 Calories on The Assault Bike
1 Clean Grip Snatch + 1 Clean Grip Overhead Squat
(make consistent increases)
1 Hang Snatch (AK) + 1 Hang Snatch (BK) + 1 Snatch
(make consistent increases)
*follow each set with :20 Sorenson Hold
(make consistent increases)
(If you cannot do Strict Pull-ups, do assisted partner pull-ups)
“Real living is living for others.”
~Bruce Lee