Strict Press
4×12 (M)
AMRAP 16:00
16 Toes to Bar
16 Push Press
*200m Run every 2:00 starting at 0:00
Week 3
2 rounds: (very light)
12 Seated Arc Raise
12 Lying Side Adduction
12 H-Raise
Incline Dumbbell Press
12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H)
Incline Dumbbell Row
12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H)
3 rounds:
No rest between exercises.
8-12 Front Pulldown
8-12 Chest Press
8-12 Low Row
(alternate rounds with a partner)
3 rounds:
20 Calorie Row
20 Push-up
20 Sit-up
Power Snatch (high) + Power Snatch (low) + Snatch
65% 3(1+1+1)
70% 2(1+1+1)
75% 1+1+1
(% based off power snatch)
90% 2×3
95% 3×2
Front Squat
Build to a 3RM
5 sets:
8 Deficit Reverse Lunge (each leg)
20-15-12-10-8 Leg Extension
4 rounds for time with a partner:
100 Synchro Double Unders (finish at the same time)
10 Rope Climbs
(1:1 rest)
4 sets:
15 GHD Sit-up
Max Toes to Bar (unbroken)
(rest 1:00)
70% 2×2
75% 1×1
80% 2×1
85% 5×1
Snatch Pull
100% 3×3
Back Squat
80% 3×3
Cycle 1/Week 6
Bench Press
85% 5×5
Lat Pulldown
12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H)
Low Row
6(L) 6(M) 6(MH) 6(H)
Seated Hemmer Curl
6(L) 6(M) 6(MH) 6(H)
Machine Biceps Curl
Drop Set
Rear Delt Fly
4×15 (M)
“All things excellent are as difficult as they are rare.”
~Baruch Spinoza