7 rounds for time:
10 Box Jumps
15 Second L-Sit Hold
10 Ring Rows
15 Push-ups (hand release)
Competitor 1
Power Snatch
Work to a heavy set of 3
90% of heavy set: 10×1 (every :30)
Push Press
Work to a heavy set of 3
90% of heavy set: 4×2
AMRAP 14:00
7 Deadlifts 225/155
14 Box Jumps 24/20
7 Handstand Push-ups
14 Calorie Row
7 Thrusters 95/65
Competitor 2
Power Snatch
Work to a heavy set of 3
90% of heavy set: 10×1 (every :30)
Push Press
Work to a heavy set of 3
90% of heavy set: 4×2
7:00 to complete:
3 rounds:
10 Deadlift 275/185
50 Double-unders
7:00 to complete:
5 rounds:
7 Calories on The Assault Bike
7 Handstand Push-ups
7 Box Jumps 24/20
7:00 to complete:
Thrusters 95/65
Row for calories
~Shimon Peres