For load:
Every 1:00 for 10:00
2 Cluster
(make consistent increases)
5 rounds for time:
7 Deadlift 225/155
21 Air Squat
7 Handstand Push-up
At a moderate load:
Snatch Push Press + Overhead Squat
8:00 to complete:
25 Toes to Bar
50 Double Under
15 Snatch 115/85
25 Toes to Bar
50 Double Under
13 Snatch 135/95
4:00 to complete:
25 Toes to Bar
50 Double Under
11 Snatch 155/105
4:00 to complete:
25 Toes to Bar
50 Double Under
9 Snatch 185/125
4:00 to complete:
25 Toes to Bar
50 Double Under
7 Snatch 205/135

“Effective health care depends on self-care; this fact is currently heralded as if it were a discovery.”
~Ivan Illich