For load:
Thruster 4-4-4-4-4
(make consistent increases)
For time:
27 Burpee Over the Bar
18 Thruster 75/55
21 Burpee Over the Bar
14 Thruster
15 Burpee Over the Bar
10 Thruster
9 Burpee Over the Bar
6 Thruster
Cycle 5/Week 1
Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5
(make consistent increases)
“Rest Pause Set”
Lat Pulldown
“Rest Pause Set”
“Rest Pause Set”
Seated Row
“Rest Pause Set”
Rear Delt Fly
2 rounds:
12 Back Extension
15 Nautilus Ab
3 rounds for quality:
300m Row (easy pace)
12 Candle-Stick Roll to Pistol Squat (alt. legs)
8 Handstand Push-up
Snatch Press + Drop Snatch
Front Squat
65-75% 10×3 (1:00 rest between sets)
2 rounds for quality:
20 Weighted Sit-up
10 Weighted Back Extension
With a partner for time:
1000m Row (together)
100 Thruster 95/65 (split)
60 Bar Muscle-up (split)
Cycle 2/Week 3
35% 1×8
45% 1×5
55% 1×3
65% 1×1
75% 1×1
85% 1×3
Bent Barbell Row
12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H)
Lat Pulldown
12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H)
3 rounds:
No rest between exercises.
12 Prone Incline Rear Delt Fly (M)
12 Ring Row (0)
(alternate rounds with a partner)
2 rounds:
20 Reverse Hyper (H)
20 Nautilus Ab (H)

“When you’re finished changing, you’re finished.”
~Benjamin Franklin