10(L) 10(M) 10(MH) 10(H)
For total reps:
Every 1:00 for 5:00
10 Wall Ball 20/14
Max Reps Burpee
(rest 2:00)
Every 1:00 for 5:00
10 Wall Ball
Max Reps Sit-up
Week 1
2 rounds: (very light)
10 Banded Good Morning
10 Windshield Wipers
10 Bird Dog (alternating)
AMRAP 20:00
10 Kettlebell Deadlift
10m Farmers Walk
10 Russian Kettlebell Swing
10m Front Rack Walk
10 Kettlebell Deadlift
10m Farmers Walk
10 Russian Kettlebell Swing
10m Front Rack Walk
10 Kettlebell Deadlift
(alternate rounds with a partner)
2 rounds:
15 Leg Lever
30 Heel Tap (over and back is one)
15 V-up
30 Toes Touch Crunch
15 Bicycle Crunch (over and back is one)
80% 1×3
85% 2×2
90% 3×1
Back Squat (:03 eccentric, :01 pause)
4 sets:
8 DB Romanian Deadlifts
10 Split Squat (each leg)
12 Reverse Hyper
AMRAP 20:00
200m Run
Max Unbroken Toes to Bar
200m Run
Max Unbroken KB Swings 70/53
200m Run
Max Unbroken Wall Balls 20/14 (10′ target)
Weighted Plank
3x Max Hold 45/25
(rest as needed between attempts)
Cycle 3/Week 3
35% 1×8
50% 1×3
60% 1×1
70% 1×1
80% 1×1
90% 1×3
Barbell Bent Row
10(L) 8(M) 6(MH) 4(H)
Barbell Shrug
15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H)
Barbell Curl
12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H)
Face Pull
4×15 (M)

“No one asked me to be an actor, so no one owed me. There was no entitlement.”
~James Earl Jones