For load:
Power Snatch 3-3-3-3-3
(make consistent increases)
5 rounds for time:
5 Power Clean 135/95
10 Burpee
15 Kettlebell Swing 53/35
20 Wall Ball Shot 20/14
(rest 1:00 between rounds)
5 rounds for load:
8 Bench Press
8 Seated Row
(alternate rounds with a partner)
“Power Drill”
5 rounds for time:
5 Handstand Push-up
10 Power Clean 135/95
15 Burpee
20 Kettlebell Swing 53/35
25 Wall Ball Shot 20/14
(rest 3:00 between rounds)

“Decision is a risk rooted in the courage of being free.”
~Paul Tillich