Home Workout
3 rounds for time:
30yd Bear Crawl
50 Bicycle Crunches
30yd Duck Walk
50 Flutter Kicks
30yd Crab Walk
50 Russian Twist
30yd Walking Lunge
50 Superman
For load:
Bench Press 8-6-4-2
(make consistent increases)
The Chief
5 rounds for total reps:
AMRAP 3:00
3 Power Clean 135/95
6 Push-up
9 Air Squat
(rest 1:00 between AMRAP’s)
Build to a heavy set of 3
85% of heavy set: 3×3
Tempo Weighted Sit-up (:04 ecc) 3×15
(make consistent increses)
The Chief
5 rounds for total reps:
AMRAP 3:00
3 Power Clean 135/95
6 Push-up
9 Air Squat
(rest 1:00 between AMRAP’s)

“You are free to give life meaning, whatever meaning you want to give it.”
~Robert Fulghum