Barbell Reverse Lunge
5×8 (constant load – alternating legs)
(1:00 rest between sets)
2 rounds for time:
25 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20
100yd Sled Push 135/90
25 Parallette Passthrough
(2:00 rest between rounds)
Week 1
2 rounds: (very light)
12 Prone Incline Rear Delt Fly
12 Prone Incline Front Raise
8 Ring Row
8(L) 6(M) 4(H) 10(MH)
Dumbbell Bent Row
10(L) 8(M) 6(H) 15(MH)
Wide Grip Pulldown
10(L) 8(M) 6(H) 15(MH)
AMRAP 8:00
80m Sled Pull Shuttle
80m Farmers Carry
(work for the entire 8:00)
Build to Heavy 3
Every 2:00 for 6:00 (3 rounds)
70% of Heavy 3 – AMRAP in 30 seconds
(rest in the remaining time)
Snatch Pull
95% 1×3
100% 2×2
105% 3×1
Tempo Front Squat (:05 eccentric, :01 pause)
70% 1×3
75% 1×2
80% 1×1
For time:
50′ Handstand Walk
15 Deadlift 275/185
50′ HS Walk
10 Deadlift
50′ HS Walk
5 Deadlift
50′ HS Walk
For quality:
10:00 Bike for distance
10:00 Row for distance
10:00 Run for distance
(Moderate pace, 1:00 rest between exercises)
Cycle 3/Week 1
Deadlift (no belt)
35% 1×8
50% 1×5
55% 1×3
60% 1×8
Barbell Bent Row
8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H)
Dumbbell Pullover
8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H)
Neutral Grip Pulldown
12(L) 12(M) 12(MH) 12(H)
3×15 (M)
2 rounds:
Incline Sit-up (pick reps)
Back Extension (pick reps)

“Learning is pleasurable but doing is the height of enjoyment.”