Home Workout
2 rounds for time:
30 Burpee
20 Steps Walking Lunge (each leg)
50 Sit-up
30 Push-up
20 Squat Jump
50 Flutter Kick (each leg)
20 Star Jump
10 Diamond Push-up
50 Superman
10 Hindu Push-up
30 Russian Twist (over and back)
For load:
Bench Press 6-6-6-6
(make consistent increases)
For time:
400m Run
15 Back Squat 185/125
400m Run
12 Back Squat
400m Run
9 Back Squat
For load and Reps:
0:00-6:00 Build to heavy single on Power Clean
6:00-12:00 AMRAP with 80% of Power Clean
Tempo Weighted Sit-up (:04 ecc) 3×15
For time:
400m Run
15 Back Squat 225/155
400m Run
12 Back Squat
400m Run
9 Back Squat
Delaod for testing on Saturday
Light Bar Work

“Humility, that low, sweet root, from which all heavenly virtues shoot.”
~Thomas Moore