CrossFit & Competitor
For time: (Cap15)
1 Wall Walk
10 Double Under
3 Wall Walk
30 Double Under
6 Wall Walk
60 Double Under
9 Wall Walk
90 Double Under
15 Wall Walk
150 Double Under
21 Wall Walk
210 Double Under
Cycle 2/Week 1
55% 1×5
65% 1×5
75% 1×5
70% 1×5
60% 1×5
Weighted Chin-up
5(0) 5(L) 5(M) 5(MH) 5(H)
8(M) 8(MH) 8(H)
Single-Arm Row
8(M) 8(MH) 8(H)
3 rounds:
12 Face Pull (M)
12 Rear Delt Fly (M)
3 rounds:
12 Weighted Back Extension
12 Med Ball Sit-up

“Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it.”
~Henry David Thoreau