For load:
Every 2:00 for 10:00
8 Sumo Deadlift
(make consistent increases)
For time:
25 Dumbbell Thruster 50/35
50 Pull-up
25 Dumbbell Thruster
Power Snatch
Build to a heavy set of 5 (t&g)
80% of heavy set: 3×5 (t&g)
5 rounds no measure:
30 Calorie Row
10 GHD Sit-up
10 Back Extension
10 Burpee
For time:
25 Dumbbell Thruster 50/35
50 Dumbbell Power Clean
25 Dumbbell Thruster
“The best preparation for good work tomorrow is to do good work today.”
~Elbert Hubbard