3 rounds for time:
500m Row
12 Deadlift (bodyweight)
21 Box Jump 24/20
Week 1
Suitcase Hold
2x :30 (both sides)
Kettlebell Swing
Tempo Seated Row (:04 ecc)
8(L) 8(M) 8(H)
Tempo Leg Press (:04 ecc)
8(L) 8(M) 8(H)
Kettlebell Swing
Side Plank Hold
2x :20 (both sides)
For quality:
3:00 Ski Erg
2:00 Row
1:00 Assault Bike
-Banded Stretches-
5 rounds for reps:
AMRAP 3:00
3-5 Ring Muscle-up
16 DB Box Step-up (2xDB) 50/35 – 24/20
Max Squat Clean 185/125
(1:00 rest between rounds)
Power Snatch
70% 1×1
75% 1×1
80% 1×1
85% 1×1
90% 1×1
(1:30 rest between sets)
Power Clean & Push Jerk
70% 1×1
75% 1×1
80% 1×1
85% 1×1
90% 1×1
(1:30 rest between sets)
35-45 minutes of Zone 2 Cardio
Transition Cycle
Dumbbell RDL
3×12 (M)
Hip Thrust
3×15 (M)
Single-Arm Low Row
3×12 (M)
Cable Seated Row
3×15 (M)
Rear Delt Fly
3×15 (M)
Back Extension
3×15 (M)
Side Plank Hold
2x :30 (both sides)

“You try to get the most out of the talent. Make ’em work and let ’em play.”
~Don Shula