Tuesday 08/24/10
Add your times for each round for a score: 7 rounds: 3 Deadlift 275/185 7 KBS 70/44 21 Calorie Row Rest 2:00
Add your times for each round for a score: 7 rounds: 3 Deadlift 275/185 7 KBS 70/44 21 Calorie Row Rest 2:00
Complete for time in teams of 3: (Complete each wod before moving to the next) (The work may be divided any way you choose) wod 1: 1200m Run 90 Pull-ups 60 Box Jumps 18″ wod 2: Move 12 Sandbags over the wall and back Using the Prowler move 6 20kg plates and 6 10kg plates
Monday 08/23/10 TEAM WOD Read More »
9:30am Boxing 11:30am Boxing 2:00pm Olympic Weightlifting 7:00pm Beer Social at Four Peaks Brewery
Add your times for a score: 500m Row 3:00 Rest 250m Row 3:00 Rest 500m Row 3:00 Rest 250 Row 3:00 Rest 500m Row
CrossFit Total Warm-up and then you have 3 attempts to find a 1RM. Squat 1-1-1 Press 1-1-1 Deadlift 1-1-1 1RM = 1 Rep Max
Wednesday 08/11/10 Read More »