Monday 09/13/10
Diane For time: 21-15-9 Deadlift 225/155 HSPU
5 rounds for load: Bench Press 3 Plyo Push-up 3 Rest 3:00 5 rounds for load Press 5 Ring Dip 5 (add weight if you can) Rest 3:00 Thrower Sit-up 5-5-5-5-5
Wednesday 09/08/10 Read More »
For total calories: 5:00 Row 5:00 Rest 4:00 Row 4:00 Rest 3:00 Row 3:00 Rest 2:00 Row 2:00 Rest 1:00 Row
Labor Day The gym will be open at 12 noon. 5 rounds for time: 5 Deadlift 275/185 10 Burpee
This one’s a knockoff of Core CrossFit’s Spartan. For time: 20 Pull-ups 200m Run 20 Push-ups 200m Run 20 Pull-ups 200m Run 20 Push-ups 200m Run 20 Pull-ups 200m Run 20 Push-ups 200m Run
5 rounds for load: 1.5 Press 2-2-2-2-2 1.5 Pull-up 2-2-2-2-2 (add weight) 2:00 Rest 5 rounds for load: Front Squat 3-3-3-3-3 Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 2:00 Rest 1:00 Max Reps Tire Flip
Wednesday 09/01/10 Read More »
For time with a partner: wod 1 Move 8 sanbags 100ft (one at a time) 70/35/35/35/35/15/15/15 wod 2 Move 8 kettlebells 100ft (farmers walk) 70/70/53/53/35/35/26/26 wod 3 (divide the work anyway you like) 80 double unders 60 T2B 40 burpees 20 Box Jumps