Thursday 04/07/11
No Morning Hours 4:00-8:00p Olympic Lifting / Open Gym 6:30p EVCF Running Club 4 Mile Recovery Run
No Morning Hours 4:00-8:00p Olympic Lifting / Open Gym 6:30p EVCF Running Club 4 Mile Recovery Run
Every minute for 10:00 2 KB Snatch (each arm) Every two minutes for 10:00 1 Power Clean 1 Power Jerk 1 Front Squat 1 Split Jerk For Load: Press 5-3-2 ____________________________________________________ 6:30p EVCF Running Club: 1000 (100, 200, 400, 200, 100) 1000 The 1000s will be treated as more of a warm-up/cool-down effort, with the
No Morning Hours (August still out of town) Regular Evening Hours (Becky is covering) Nancy Five rounds for time: 400m Run 15 Overhead Squats 95/65 [youtube]3l0sMHGCVSs[/youtube]
For load: Weighted Pull-ups 3-3-3 For time: 50 Pull-ups For Load: Weighted Pull-ups 3-3-3 Friday afternoon Keith and August depart for the Weightlifting Masters National Championships. Keith will be competing in the 85kg class and August will be in the 105kg class. John Alvarado will cover the evening classes.
No Morning Hours 4:00-8:00p Olympic Lifting / Open Gym 6:30p Running Club 4 Mile Road Run
Sectionals Wod 2 AMRAP 15:00 9 Deadlift 155/100 12 Push-ups (hand release) 15 Box Jumps 24/20 This is very similar to what we’ve done over the last 2 days…..I will post an alternative workout for those who want to wait until Saturday to attempt this little beauty. The Sectionals Wod will be hosted Saturday at
Wednesday 03/29/11 Read More »
Five rounds for time: 5 Wall climbs 10 T2B 15 Box jump 24″ 6:30p EVCF Running Club 2 rounds: 200m Sprint 200m Jog 800m Sprint 400m Jog 100m Sprint 100m Jog 100m Sprint 100m Jog
12:00-4:00p Olympic Lifting / Open Gym 3:00p Wod 1 CrossFit Sectionals 4:00p Grill Fires Up