Monday 06/13/11
Jackie For time: 1000m Row 50 Thrusters 45/35 30 Pull Ups ——————————————————- 6:00p EVCF Running Club 6 (150m Sprint / 150m Jog) Rest 3:00 100m Sprint
Jackie For time: 1000m Row 50 Thrusters 45/35 30 Pull Ups ——————————————————- 6:00p EVCF Running Club 6 (150m Sprint / 150m Jog) Rest 3:00 100m Sprint
No Rowing Class today The EVCF Coaches will be in Colorado this weekend for the CrossFit Regional Competition!
6:00a Trail Run at South Mtn (carpool leaves EVCF at 5:30a) 12:00-4:00p Open Gym / EVCF Weightlifting Club The EVCF Coaches will be in Colorado this weekend for the CrossFit Regional Competition!
For time: 20 Cal Row 30 HSPU 40 Weighted Sit-ups 30/20lbs 50 Ring Dips 60 Squats 70 Double Unders —————————————————— No Kidz or Tweenz Class today The EVCF Coaches will be in Colorado this weekend for the CrossFit Regional Competition!
For time: 15-12-9 Box Jump 24/18 T2B 5 rounds for time: 5 Deadlift 275/185 10 Burpee ——————————————————– 6:00p EVCF Running Club 2x(100,150,200) + 1×100 (all out) Jog back recoveries
Wednesday 06/08/11 Read More »
For load: Hang Clean 5-4-3-2-1 Thruster (from back) 5-4-3-2-1 ——————————————————– 6:30p EVCF Weightlifting Club
For time: 50-40-30-20-10 KBS 53/35 Push-up _____________________________ 6:00p EVCF Running Club 6 (200m Sprint/200m Jog) Rest 3:00 100m Sprint
6:00a Trail Run at South Mountain (carpool leaves EVCF at 5:30a) 12:00-4:00p EVCF Weightlifting Club / Open Gym