Friday 08/26/11
5 rounds for total reps: 2/3 bodyweight Thruster Pull-up Rest 3:00 “Without increased self-awareness none of us can grow beyond the capabilities we have today.” ~Tom Henschel
5 rounds for total reps: 2/3 bodyweight Thruster Pull-up Rest 3:00 “Without increased self-awareness none of us can grow beyond the capabilities we have today.” ~Tom Henschel
6:00a EVCF Running Club 2:00-7:30p Open Gym / EVCF Weightlifting Club “The phrase ‘I can’t’ is the most powerful force of negation of the human psyche.” ~Paul R. Scheele
For time: 1 Mile Run 20 Handstand push-ups 30 Pull-ups 40 Kettlebell swings, 53/35 50 Sit-ups 60 Burpees “Intellectual growth should commence at birth and cease only at death” ~ Albert Einstein
Wednesday 08/24/11 Read More »
For load: Power Clean 3RM Push Press 3RM Back Squat 3RM [youtube]G_S8zt2jrkY[/youtube] “Form follows function, this is the law.” ~Louis Sullivan
6 rounds for Calories Rowed: 25 Ring Push-ups followed by a Row for Calories. You have 2:00 to complete each round followed by a 2:00 Rest “Exercise is the chief source of improvement in our faculties.” ~Hugh Blair
The Las Vegas Open Results Snatch/C&J/Total 53kg Becky Vasey 40/53/93 77kg John Alvarado 115/140/155 105kg August Schmidt 107/140/247 Panda Bear Invitation Results Snatch/C&J/Total Renee Lawton – 43/X/X Elizabeth Cameron – 40/63/103 Nick Thompson – X/100/X Zach Cervantes – 40/53/93 Josh Gabbert – 50/62/112 – *64kg bonus C&J Danny Kirk – 68/87/155 – *91kg bonus C&J
Weightlifting Results Read More »
6:00a EVCF Running Club at Corona del Sol High School Las Vegas Open Weightlifting Meet: Coach Becky, Coach John & I are travling to Las Vegas this weekend to lift in the Las Vegas Open. John has made the cut to the 77kg weight class and is going to take a shot at qualifing for the
For total reps: (30:00 time cap) 5 attempts at max rep Muscle-ups 4 attempts at max rep Weighted Pull-ups 45lbs 3 attempts at max rep Weighted Dips 45lbs 2 attempts at max rep OHS 95/65 1 attempts at max rep Thruster 135/95 (do the exercises in any order you choose. all warm-ups must be completed
6:00a 5K Run leaving from EVCF 2:00-7:30 Open Gym / EVCF Weightlifting Club “The most important criterion for exercise selection is neuroendocrine effect. Regardless of your sport or your fitness goals these moves are the shortest path to success.”