Tuesday 9/4/12
5 rounds for total reps of Muscle-ups: On a 3:00 clock 400m Run Muscle-ups (rest 3:00 between rounds) AMRAP 2:00 Bar Facing Burpees “What poison is to food, self-pity is to life.” ~Oliver C. Wilson
5 rounds for total reps of Muscle-ups: On a 3:00 clock 400m Run Muscle-ups (rest 3:00 between rounds) AMRAP 2:00 Bar Facing Burpees “What poison is to food, self-pity is to life.” ~Oliver C. Wilson
4:00p Open Gym 5:00-7:00p Weightlifting Club 7:00p CrossFit Fundamentals 7:00p Running Club [youtube]vRZNFAIjwJM[/youtube]
8:00a Sprints 8:00-8:45a Intro Gymnastics 8:45-9:30a Advanced Gymnastics 10:00a Advanced Kettlebell 11:00a Intro Kettlebell 12:00-2:00p Weightlifting Club (you can attend both Gymnastics Classes for $10) [youtube]6UC2oTde2vo[/youtube]
For load: Snatch 80(3) 85(2) 90(2/2) Back Squat 80(3) 85(2) 90(2/2) For total reps: Every 1:00 for 10:00 Weighted Pull-up 70/25 (pick reps before starting) AMRAP 1:30 Med Ball Sit-up “Difficulties are meant to rouse, not discourage. The human spirit is to grow strong by conflict.“ ~William Ellery Channing
4:00p Open Gym 5:00-7:00p EVCF Weightlifting Club 7:00p CrossFit Fundamentals Class 7:00p EVCF Running Club