Workout, Happening, and Updates at EAST VALLEY STRENGTH & CONDITIONING
Tuesday 4/19/22
CROSSFIT For load: Every 1:00 for 10:00 Odd – 3 Weighted Pull-up Even – 3 Weighted Dip (increasing load each round) AMRAP 20:00 500m
Monday 4/18/22
CROSSFIT For load: Every 1:00 for 10:00 1 Snatch Pull + 1 Snatch For time: 30/24 Calorie Assault Bike 30 Power Clean 135/95 30/24
Saturday 4/16/22
8:00a Strongman Iron Athlete Spring Open Weightlifting Meet 9:00a-10:00 Women Weigh-in 11:00a Women Lift 12:00p-1:00p Men Weigh-in 2:00p Men Lift “You have power over your
Friday 4/15/22
CROSSFIT For load: Every 1:00 for 10:00 2 Clean 5 rounds for total reps: AMRAP 3:00 3 Wall Walk 9 DB Power Clean 50/35
Thursday 4/14/22
UPPER BODY 3 rounds: No rest between exercises. 8-12 Incline Press 8-12 Pec Deck 8-12 Machine Dip (alternate rounds with a partner) 3 rounds:
Wednesday 4/13/22
CROSSFIT For quality: 5-10-15-10-5 Weighted Sit-up Windshield Wipers (each side) With a partner for time: 5000/4000m Assault Bike 40 D-Ball Over the Shoulder 100/80
Tuesday 4/12/22
CROSSFIT For load: Every 1:00 for 10:00 Odd – 4 Weighted Pull-up Even – 4 Weighted Dip (increasing load each round) AMRAP 10:00 21
Monday 4/11/22
CROSSFIT For load: Every 1:00 for 10:00 2 Snatch For time: 30 Hang Power Clean 115/75 30 Burpee Over the Bar 20 Front Squat
Saturday 4/9/22
7:00a Competitor 8:00a Strongman 8:00a Weightlifting 9:00a CrossFit 10:00a CrossFit __________________ WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch Build to opener Clean & Jerk Build to Opener Pause
Friday 4/8/22
CROSSFIT For load: Every 1:00 for 10:00 2 Clean Pull + 1 Clean AMRAP 12:00 3 Deadlift 275/185 9 Toe to Bar 30 Double
Thursday 4/7/22
UPPER BODY 21-15-9 No rest between exercises. Chest Press Front Pulldown (no rest between rounds) 21-15-9 No rest between exercises. Shoulder Press Seated Row
Wednesday 4/6/22
CROSSFIT 3 rounds for quality: 30 Bicycle Crunch 20 Scissor Kick 10 Kick Sit With a partner for time: 300yd Sled Push 90/45 3000m
Tuesday 4/5/22
CROSSFIT For reps: Every 1:00 for 10:00 Odd – Strict Pull-up Even – Strict Dip (choose reps prior to starting.unbroken) 3 rounds for time:
Monday 4/4/22
CROSSFIT For load: Every 1:00 for 10:00 2 Snatch Pull + 1 Snatch For time: 45 Sit-up 45 Kettlebell Swing 53/35 45 Sit-up 800m
Saturday 4/2/22
7:00a Competitor 8:00a Strongman 8:00a Weightlifting 9:00a CrossFit 10:00a CrossFit _________________ WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch 3 waves: 70% 1×1 75% 1×1 80% 1×1 Clean + Front
Friday 4/1/22
CROSSFIT For load: Every 2:00 for 10:00 3 Clean For time: 21 Thruster 95/65 1000/750m Assault Bike 21 Thruster ____________________ COMPETITOR 3 rounds
Thursday 3/31/22
Upper Body 3 rounds: No rest between exercises. 8-12 Incline Press 8-12 Pec Deck 8-12 Machine Dip (alternate rounds with a partner) 3 rounds:
Wednesday 3/30/22
CROSSFIT 3 rounds for quality: 30 Bicycle Crunch 20 Scissor Kick 10 Kick Sit 3 rounds for total reps: AMRAP 4:00 500/400m Row 1:00
Tuesday 3/29/22
CROSSFIT For reps: Every 1:00 for 10:00 Odd – Strict Pull-up Even – Strict Dip (choose reps prior to starting. unbroken) AMRAP 20:00 20
Monday 3/28/22
CROSSFIT For load: Every 1:00 for 10:00 3 Snatch 4 rounds for time: 400m Run 25 KB Swing 53/35 10 Burpee Box Jump Over
Saturday 3/26/22
7:00a Competitor 8:00a Strongman 8:00a Weightlifting 9:00a CrossFit 10:00a CrossFit 11:00a-1:30p Iron Athlete Rowing Clinic ____________________ WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch 3 waves: 70% 1×1 75% 1×1 80%
Friday 3/25/22
CROSSFIT At a moderate load: Every 2:00 for 10:00 2 Clean Pull + 2 Clean “Skowronski Ain’t Scared” AMRAP 7:00 7 Deadlift 225/155 7
Thursday 3/24/22
UPPER BODY Incline Press 12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) Tempo Pec Deck (:04 ecc) 3×8 (M) Machine Dip 12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) Single-Arm
Wednesday 3/23/22
CROSSFIT 3 rounds for quality: 18 Alternating Single-Leg/Arm V-up 15 Russian Twist 3 Isometric Partner Cradle Rock “Train Wreck” For total time: (with a
Tuesday 3/22/22
CROSSFIT For reps: Every 1:00 for 10:00 Odd – Strict Pull-up Even – Strict Dip (choose reps prior to starting. unbroken) “The Ki to
Monday 3/21/22
CROSSFIT At a moderate load: Every 2:00 for 10:00 2 Snatch Pull + 2 Snatch “Hitch, Please!” For time: 200m Run 20 DB Snatch
Saturday 3/19/22
7:00a Competitor 8:00a Strongman 8:00a Weightlifting 9:00a CrossFit 10:00a CrossFit ________________ WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch 3 waves: 70% 1×1 75% 1×1 80% 1×1 Clean + Jerk 70%
Friday 3/18/22
CROSSFIT “Aug Dog Special” 1 hour to establish: Back Squat – Heavy 1 Bench Press – Heavy 1 Deadlift – Heavy 1 _____________________ COMPETITOR 4
Thursday 3/17/22
UPPER BODY “Rest Pause Sets” Incline Chest Press “Rest Pause Sets” Seated Row “Rest Pause Sets” Machine Shoulder Press “Rest Pause Sets”
Wednesday 3/16/22
CROSSFIT “Conley Can’t Lose” For time: 250m Row 25 Burpee 500m Row 25 Burpee 750m Row 25 Burpee ______________________ COMPETITOR 3 rounds for quality: 6
Tuesday 3/15/22
CROSSFIT “Rylee Bear Don’t Care” 5 rounds for total reps: AMRAP 3:00 3 Power Clean 135/95 9 Wall Ball 20/14 15 Double Under (1:00 rest
Monday 3/14/22
CROSSFIT “Anna’s Paradise” 2 rounds for time: 800m Run 25 Toe to Bar 20 DB Snatch 50/35 15 Box Jump Over 24/20 ____________________ COMPETITOR 4
Saturday 3/12/22
7:00a Competitor 8:00a Strongman8:00a Weightlifting 9:00a CrossFit 10:00a CrossFit 2:00p End of The Open Party!_________________________ WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch 70% 1×375% 2×280% 5×1 Clean + Front Squat
Friday 3/11/22
CROSSFIT & COMPETITOR “22.3”For time: (cap12)21 Pull-up 42 Double Under 21 Thruster 95/6518 Chest to Bar Pull-up 36 Double Under 18 Thruster 115/7515 Bar Muscle-up
Thursday 3/10/22
UPPER BODY Machine Incline Press12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) Pec Deck 3×12 (M) Machine Chest Press 12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) Front Pulldown 12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H)
Wednesday 3/9/22
CROSSFIT & COMPETITOR 3 rounds for quality::30 Side Plank (left):30 Side Plank (right):15 Hanging L-Hold :30 Forearm Plank 5 rounds for time:200m Run2 Rope Climb250m
Tuesday 3/8/22
CROSSFIT For time:100 Double Under80/60 Calorie Row60 Box Jump Over 24/2040 DB Hang Clean & Jerk 50/35 (single db)200m Suitcase Carry 53/35 (single kg)________________________________ COMPETITOR
Monday 3/7/22
CROSSFIT AMRAP 9:0021 Wall Ball 20/1415 Toe to Bar9 Power Snatch 75/55__________________________ COMPETITOR 3 rounds for quality:7 Medicine Ball Clean 20/145 Triple Under3 Glide Kip
Saturday 3/5/22
7:00a Competitor 8:00a Weightlifting8:00a Strongman9:00a CrossFit 10:00a CrossFit ___________________ WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch 70% 1×375% 1×380% 2×2 Clean + Front Squat + Jerk70% 2(1+1+1)75% 1+1+180% 2(1+1+1) Pause
Friday 3/4/22
CROSSFIT & COMPETITOR “22.2”For time: (cap10)1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1Deadlift 225/155Bar Facing Burpee____________________________POWERBUILDING Cycle 3/Week 3Deadlift Build to 1RM “Justice is the sum of all moral duty.”~William Godwin
Thursday 3/3/22
UPPER BODY Machine Incline Press15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H) Pec Deck 3×15 (M) Machine Chest Press 15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H) Front Pulldown 15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H)
Wednesday 3/2/22
CROSSFIT & COMPETITOR3 rounds for quality:10 Single-Leg Toe to Bar10 Windshield Wiper10 Med-Ball V-up Pass With a partner for reps:AMRAP 15:00100 Double Under100 Calorie Assault
Tuesday 3/1/22
CROSSFIT For load:Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3 5 rounds for time:10 Shoulder to OH 135/95500m Row10 Burpee to 6″__________________________ COMPETITOR3 rounds for quality:5 DB Hang Clean &
Monday 2/28/22
CROSSFIT For load:Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 “Helen”3 rounds for time:400m Run21 KB Swing 53/3512 Pull-up_________________________ COMPEITOR 3 rounds for quality:5 D-Ball Over the Shoulder 100/8010 Single-Arm
Saturday 2/26/22
7:00a Competitor8:00a Strongman8:00a Weightlifting 9:00a CrossFit 10:00a CrossFit _____________________WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch 70% 1×375% 1×380% 2×2 Clean + Jerk70% 2(2+2)75% 2+280% 2(2+2) Pause Squat 60% 1×365% 1×370%
Friday 2/25/22
CROSSFIT & COMPETITOR “22.1”AMRAP 15:003 Wall Walk 12 Dumbbell Snatch 50/3515 Box Jump Over 24/20__________________________ POWERBUILDING Cycle 3/Week 2 (peaking)Deadlift 35% 1×850% 1×5 60% 1×370%
Thursday 2/24/22
UPPER BODY 3 rounds:No rest between exercises.8-12 Shoulder Press8-12 Chest Press8-12 Machine Dip (alternate rounds with a partner) 3 rounds:No rest between exercises.8-12 Front Pulldown
Wednesday 2/23/22
CROSSFIT For quality:15-12-9V-upBack ExtensionBicycle Crunch (each side) “That isn’t Annie”For time:20 Double Under25 Sit-up20 Double Under400m Run35 Double Under50 Sit-up35 Double Under400m Run50 Double Under75
Tuesday 2/22/22
CROSSFIT For load:Bench Press 5-5-5-5 AMRAP 10:0010 Pull-up10 KB Swing 53/3510 Hand Release Push-up______________________ COMPETITOR For quality:12-10-8DB Step-Over (single DB)Hand Release Push-upGHD Sit-up 10 rounds
Monday 2/21/22
CROSSFIT For load:Back Squat 5-5-5-5 For time:4 Calorie Row8 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/208 Calorie Row8 Burpee Box Jump Over 12 Calorie Row8 Burpee Box
Saturday 2/19/22
7:00a Competitor 8:00a Strongman8:00a Weightlifting 9:00a CrossFit 10:00a CrossFit _______________________WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch 70% 2×375% 2×3 Clean + Jerk 70% 2(2+3) 75% 2(2+3) Pause Back Squat 60%
Friday 2/18/22
CROSSFIT At a moderate load:Deadlift 10-8-6 “Open Prep”AMRAP 20:0050 Wall Ball 20/1450 Double Under40 Box Jump Over 24/2040 Toe to Bar30 Pull-up30 Burpee Over the
Thursday 2/17/22
UPPER BODY Machine Shoulder Press15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H) 5 rounds: No rest between exercises.12 Machine Dip12 Machine Biceps Curl (alternate rounds with a partner)5 rounds:
Wednesday 2/16/22
CROSSFIT 3 rounds for quality:5 Strict Toe to Bar10 Single-Arm/Single-Leg V-up20 Russian Twist 4 rounds for reps + calories:AMRAP 4:0010 Box Jump 24/2015 Sit-up20 Lateral
Tuesday 2/15/22
CROSSFIT At a moderate load:Bench Press 12-10-8-6 For time:400m Run12 Single-Arm Devil Press 50/3550 Double Under800m Run24 Single-Arm Devil Press50 Double Under1200m Run36 Single-Arm Devil
Monday 2/14/22
CROSSFIT At a moderate load:Back Squat 10-8-6 “Fran”For time:21-15-9Thruster 95/65Pull-up______________________ COMPETITOR 4 rounds for quality:5 Strict Pull-up (:02 eccentric)5 Strict Toe to Bar (:02 eccentric)300m
Saturday 2/12/22
7:00a Competitor8:00a Strongman8:00a Weightlifting 9:00a CrossFit10:00a CrossFit _____________________ WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch 70% 2×375% 3×2 Clean + Jerk 70% 2(2+2) 75% 2(2+2) Pause Back Squat 65% 3×3
Friday 2/11/22
CROSSFIT For load:Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2(make consistent increases)“14.2”Every 3:00 for as long as possible…0:00 – 3:002 rounds:10 Overhead Squat 95/6510 Chest to Bar Pull-up 3:00 – 6:002
Thursday 2/10/22
UPPER BODY 3 rounds:No rest between exercises.8-12 Chest Press8-12 Pec Deck 8-12 Machine Dip (alternate rounds with a partner)3 rounds:No rest between exercises.8-12 Front Pulldown
Wednesday 2/9/22
CROSSFIT 3 rounds for quality::30 Side Plank Hold (Left side):30 Side Plank Hold (Right side)30 Bicycle Crunch (total) AMRAP 20:002000m Assault Bike-then in the remaining
Tuesday 2/8/22
CROSSFIT For load:Bench Press 2-2-2-2-2(make consistent increases) For time:21-15-9Power Clean 115/85Calorie Row-then-45 Burpee Over the Bar____________________________ COMPETITOR 3 rounds for quality:500m Ski Erg30 Russian KB
Monday 2/7/22
CROSSFIT For load:Back Squat 2-2-2-2-2(make consistent increases) 3 rounds for time:400m Run30 Wall Ball 20/1420 Toe to Bar_______________________ COMPETITOR 3 rounds for quality:1 Legless Rope
Saturday 2/5/22
7:00a Competitor8:00a Strongman8:00a Weightlifting 9:00a CrossFit 10:00a CrossFit __________________ Weightlifting Snatch 70% 4×3 Clean + Jerk 70% 4(2+2) Pause Back Squat 60% 3×3 Reverse Hyper
Friday 2/4/22
CROSSFIT For load:Deadlift 4-4-4-4-4(make consistent increases) “16.3”AMRAP 7:0010 Power Snatch 75/553 Bar Muscle-up Scaled Version:AMRAP 7:0010 Power Snatch 45/355 Jumping Chest to Bar Pull-up__________________________ COMPETITOR
Thursday 2/3/22
UPPER BODY “Rest Pause Sets”Chest Press “Rest Pause Sets”Front Pulldown “Rest Pause Sets”Shoulder Press “Rest Pause Sets”Seated Row “Rest Pause Sets”Machine Dip “Rest Pause Sets”Rear
Wednesday 2/2/22
CROSSFIT 3 rounds for quality:10 V-up:20 L-Hold:40 Plank Walk For total reps:8 rounds –:20 Burpee Over DB:10 rest:20 DB Hang Clean 50/35:10 rest:20 Pull-up:10 rest________________________
Tuesday 2/1/22
CROSSFIT For load:Bench Press 4-4-4-4-4(make consistent increases) For time:500m Row20 Handstand Push-up400m Run80 Double Under500m Row80 Double Under400m Run20 Handstand Push-up500m Row_________________________ COMPETITOR3 rounds for
Monday 1/31/22
CROSSFIT For load:Back Squat 4-4-4-4-4(make consistent increases)AMRAP 8:002-4-6-8-10-12-14-etc…Toe to BarBox Jump Over 24/20___________________________ COMPETITOR 3 rounds for quality:10 Prone Superman10 Prone Airplane10 Prone Reverse Superman10
Saturday 1/29/22
7:00a-8:30a Open GymGym Closed Saturday and Sunday for Burgener Strength Clinic.
Friday 1/28/22
CROSSFIT For load:Deadlift 6-6-6-6(make consistent increases)“18.1”AMRAP 20:008 Toe to Bar10 DB Hang Clean & Jerk 50/3514 Calorie Row___________________________ COMPETITOR For quality:5-4-3-2-1Muscle SnatchDrop Snatch Snatch70% 1×275%
Thursday 1/27/21
UPPER BODY 21-15-9No rest between exercises.Chest Press Front Pulldown(no rest between rounds)21-15-9No rest between exercises.Shoulder PressSeated Row (no rest between rounds)21-15-9No rest between exercises.Machine Dip
Wednesday 1/26/22
CROSSFIT 3 rounds for quality:10 Single-Leg T2B (alt. leg)20 Flutter Kick (each leg):30 Forearm Plank Hold 3 rounds for total reps:3:00 Assault Bike2:00 Wall Ball
Tuesday 1/25/22
CROSSFIT For load:Bench Press 6-6-6-6(make consistent increases) For time:400m Run50 Burpee to 6″60 Calorie Row70 Sit-up800m Run__________________ COMPETITOR 4 rounds for quality:8 Pistol Squat (alt.
Monday 1/24/22
CROSSFIT For load:Back Squat 6-6-6-6(make consistent increases) 9 rounds for time:8 Pull-up7 Box Jump 24/206 DB Snatch 50/35______________________ COMPETITOR 4 rounds for quality:200m Run5 Strict
Saturday 1/22/22
7:00a Competitor 8:00a Strongman8:00a Weightlifting 9:00a CrossFit10:00a CrossFit __________________ WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch Build to Opener(approx 92%)Clean & Jerk Build to OpenerFront Squat 80% 2×2 “If you
Friday 1/21/22
CROSSFIT At a moderate load:Deadlift 10-10-10(make consistent increases)“17.5”10 rounds for time:9 Thruster 95/6535 Double Under____________________ COMPETITOR4 rounds for quality:8 Double DB OH Lunge6 Triple Under4
Thursday 1/20/22
UPPER BODY 3 rounds:No rest between exercises.8-12 Machine Shoulder Press8-12 Machine Lateral Raise 8-12 Machine Dip (alternate rounds with a partner)3 rounds:No rest between exercises.8-12
Wednesday 1/19/22
CROSSFIT 4 rounds for quality:20 Scissor Kick (total)10 Weighted Sit-up20 Bicycle Crunch (total) For time:35 Toe to Bar70 Burpee35 Toe to Bar______________________ COMPETITOR 4 rounds
Tuesday 1/18/22
CROSSFIT At a moderate load:Bench Press 10-10-10(make consistent increases) 6 rounds for time:300m Row20 Sit-up10 Deadlift 185/125_______________________ COMPETITOR 4 rounds for quality:15′ Handstand WalkMax Handstand
Monday 1/17/22
CROSSFIT At a moderate load:Back Squat 10-10-10(make consistent increases)“Cindy’s a Runner”AMRAP 20:005 Pull-up10 Push-up15 Air Squat*Run 400m at 0:00, 5:00, 10:00, 15:00___________________________ COMPETITOR 4 rounds
Saturday 1/15/22
7:00a Competitor 8:00a Strongman8:00a Weightlifting 9:00a CrossFit 10:00a CrossFit _________________ WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch 70% 2×275% 1×180% 2×285% 1×1 Clean + Jerk 70% 2+275% 1+180% 2(2+2)85% 1(1+1)
Friday 1/14/22
CROSSFIT For load:Deadlift 3-3-3-3-3(make consistent increases)For time:150 Double Under100 Hand Release Push-up50 Steps DB Overhead Walking Lunge 50/35 (Single DB)__________________________ COMPETITOR 4 rounds for quality:5
Thursday 1/13/22
UPPER BODY Machine Shoulder Press15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H) 5 rounds: No rest between exercises.10 Machine Dip10 Supinated Front Pulldown (alternate rounds with a partner)5 rounds:
Wednesday 1/12/22
CROSSFIT 3 rounds for quality:10 Hanging Leg Raises:20 L-Hold (hanging)20 Dead Bug (total) For time:10-20-30-20-10Box Jump 24/20KB Swing 53/35Toe to Bar____________________ COMPETITOR 9-7-5 for quality:Single
Tuesday 1/11/22
CROSSFIT For load:Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3(make consistent increases)7 rounds for time:7 Hang Clean & Jerk 115/8514 Calorie Row_________________________ COMPETITOR4 rounds for quality:15′ HS Walk / Turnaround
Monday 1/10/22
CROSSFIT For load:Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3(make consistent increases) AMRAP 20:006 Single-Arm Devil Press 50/359 Wall Ball 20/1412 Burpee______________________ COMPETITOR4 rounds for quality:9 Calorie Ski Erg7 Ring
Saturday 1/8/22
7:00a Competitor 8:00a Strongman8:00a Weightlifting 9:00a CrossFit10:00a CrossFit __________________ WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch 70% 2×275% 1×180% 3×185% 1×1 Clean + Jerk 70% 2+275% 1+180% 3(1+1)85% 1(1+1) Front
Friday 1/7/22
CROSSFIT For load:Deadlift 5-5-5-5(make consistent increases)For time:30-20-10DB Snatch 50/35Box Jump Over 24/20DB Lunge 50/35Sit-up________________________ COMPETITOR4 rounds for quality:200m Run5 DB Hang Clean & Jerk8 DB
Thursday 1/6/22
CROSSFIT Machine Shoulder Press15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H) 5 rounds: No rest between exercises.10 Machine Dip10 Machine Biceps Curl (alternate rounds with a partner) 5 rounds:
Wednesday 1/5/22
CROSSFIT 4 rounds for quality:20 Flutter Kick10 V-up5 Hollow Rock AMRAP 20:00400m Run25 Burpee to 6″____________________ COMPETITOR 4 rounds for quality:10 DB Bent Over Row
Tuesday 1/4/22
CROSSFIT For load:Bench Press 5-5-5-5(make consistent increases) 5 rounds for time:7 Shoulder to Overhead 135/9515 Calorie Row30 Double Under___________________________ COMPETITOR 4 rounds for quality:7 Triple
Monday 1/3/22
CROSSFIT For load:Back Squat 5-5-5-5(make consistent increases) “What the Helen?”For time:2000m Assault Bike63 KB Swing 53/3536 Pull-up______________________ COMPETITOR 4 rounds for quality:300m Row5 Tempo Ring
Saturday 1/1/22
7:00a Competitor 8:00a Strongman 8:00a Weightlifting 9:00a CrossFit 10:00a CrossFit _________________________ WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch 70% 2×275% 1×180% 1×185% 3×1 Clean + Jerk 70% 2+275% 1+180% 2(1+1)85%
Friday 12/31/21
CROSSFIT For load:Deadlift 8-8-8-8(make consistent increases) 3 rounds for time:15 Front Squat 135/9515/10 Calorie Assault Bike15 Toe to Bar________________________ COMPETITOR 4 rounds for quality:500m Assault
Thursday 12/30/21
UPPER BODY 3 rounds:No rest between exercises.8-12 Chest Press8-12 Seated Row 8-12 Pec Deck 8-12 Rear Delt Fly (alternate rounds with a partner) 3 rounds:No
Wednesday 12/29/21
CROSSFIT 3 rounds for quality:20 Bicycle Crunch10 Single-Leg Toe to Bar10 Banded Good Morning For time:21-15-9Box Jump 24/20KB Swing 53/35Pull-up_____________________ COMPETITOR 4 rounds for quality:8
Tuesday 12/28/21
CROSSFIT For load:Bench Press 8-8-8-8(make consistent increases) For time:30 Shoulder to Overhead 95/6530 Burpee Over the Bar30 Parallette Passthrough30 Ball Slam 20/1430 Hand Release Push-up________________________
Monday 12/27/21
CROSSFIT For load:Back Squat 8-8-8-8(make consistent increases) AMRAP 15:00250m Row10 Single-Arm Devil Press 50/35Max Unbroken Double Under(score is total number of DU)________________________ COMPETITOR 4 rounds