Workout, Happening, and Updates at EAST VALLEY STRENGTH & CONDITIONING
Friday 10/20/23
CROSSFITTrap Bar Deadlift8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) AMRAP 7:003-6-9-12-15-etc…Thruster 95/65Pull-up _____________________________ STRONGFITCycle 3/Week 3Trap Bar Bent Row8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) Trap Bar Deadlift5(L) 5(M) 5(MH) 5(H)
Thursday 10/19/23
UPPER BODYSupinated Pulldown8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) Machine Dip8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) Barbell Curl10(L) 10(M) 10(MH) 10(H) Skull Crusher10(L) 10(M) 10(MH) 10(H) Incline Dumbbell Curl3×12 (M)
Wednesday 10/18/23
CROSSFITPullover & Press8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) For total reps:5:00 Calorie Row3:00 Burpee3:00 Calorie Row2:00 Line-Facing Burpee1:00 Calorie Row1:00 Burpee Box Jump(no rest between AMRAPs) _____________________________
Tuesday 10/17/23
CROSSFITFront Squat5(L) 5(M) 5(MH) 5(H) 4 rounds for time:10 DB Snatch 50/35 (Left Arm)45′ DB Overhead Walking Lunge 50/35 (Left Arm)10 DB Snatch (Right Arm)45′
Monday 12/16/23
CROSSFITIncline Press8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) For time:10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1Toes to BarKB Swing 53/35(200m Run every 3:00 starting at 0:00) ______________________________ STRONGFITCycle 3/Week 3Bench Press5(L) 5(M) 5(MH) 5(H)
Saturday 10/14/23
SLEDSChoose weight:200m Backward Drag100m recovery Walk200m Sled Pull100m recovery Walk200m Sled Push ______________________________ WEIGHTLIFTINGSnatch70% 2×275% 1×180% 2×185% 5×1 Clean & Jerk70% 2×275% 1×180% 2×185% 3×1
Friday 10/13/23
CROSSFITDeadlift8(L) 5(M) 3(MH) 3(H) For time:50/40 Calorie Assault Bike30 Dumbbell Power Clean 50/35 (two DB’s)10 Wall Walk _________________________________ STRONGFITCycle 3/Week 2Trap Bar Bent Row8(L) 8(M)
Thursday 10/12/23
UPPER BODY4 rounds:No rest between exercises.8 Wide Grip Machine Shoudler Press8 Neutral Grip Machine Shoulder Press(alternate rounds with a partner) 4 rounds:No rest between exercises.8
Wednesday 10/11/23
CROSSFITFor load:Every 1:00 for 10:00Odd – 2 Weighted Pull-upEven – 2 Weighted Dip 4 rounds for total reps:AMRAP 4:00400m Run15 Hand Release Push-upMax Reps Burpee
Tuesday 10/10/23
CROSSFITBack Squat8(L) 5(M) 3(MH) 3(H) AMRAP 9:007 Toes to Bar10 DB Snatch 50/35 (alt. arms)35 Double Under ____________________________ STRONGFITCycle 3/Week 2Back Squat5(L) 5(M) 5(MH) 5(H)
Monday 10/9/23
CROSSFITStrict Press8(L) 5(M) 3(MH) 3(H) 5 rounds for time:15/12 Calorie Row12 Thruster 75/55 _____________________________ STRONGFITCycle 3/Week 2Bench Press5(L) 5(M) 5(MH) 5(H) Dumbbell Incline Press8(L) 8(M)
Saturday 10/7/23
SLEDSFor load:20yd Backward Drag 45/2520yd Backward Drag 90/4520yd Backward Drag 135/7020yd Backward Drag 180/190Continue format until failure….(add a plate each push. no rest between pushes)
Friday 10/6/23
CROSSFITDeadlift8(L) 5(M) 5(MH) 5(H) 5 rounds for time:10 Overhead Squat 95/6530 Double Under ____________________________ STRONGFITCycle 3/Week 1Trap Bar Bent Row8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) Trap Bar
Thursday 10/5/23
UPPER BODY3 rounds:No rest between exercises8-12 Shoulder Press8-12 Pullover8-12 Dip(alternate rounds with a partner) 3 rounds:No rest between exercises8-12 Lat Pulldown8-12 Chest Press8-12 Low Row(alternate
Wednesday 10/4/23
CROSSFITFor load:Every 1:00 for 10:00Odd – 3 Weighted Pull-upEven – 3 Weighted Dip 20 rounds for time:5 Calorie Row3 Toes to Bar1 Wall Walk __________________________
Tuesday 10/3/23
CROSSFITBack Squat8(L) 5(M) 5(MH) 5(H) For time:400m Run21 Power Clean 135/9521 Burpee Over the Bar400m Run15 Power Clean15 Burpee Over the Bar400m Run9 Power Clean9
Monday 10/2/23
CROSSFITStrict Press8(L) 5(M) 5(MH) 5(H) For time:50 Calorie Row50′ Plate Push50 Kettlebell Swing 53/3550′ Plate Push50 Sit-up50′ Plate Push50 Wall Ball Shot 20/1450′ Plate Push50
Saturday 9/30/23
SLEDS2 rounds:40m Sled Push Shuttle 135/9060m Sled Push Shuttle80m Sled Push Shuttle(alternate shuttles with a partner) 40m Farmers Walk Shuttle 70/4460m Farmers Walk Shuttle80m Farmers
Friday 9/29/23
CROSSFITDeadlift8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) AMRAP 7:007 Thruster 95/657 Pull-up7 Box Jump 24/20 ___________________________ STRONGFITCycle 2/Week 3Deadlift8(L) 3×8(M) Leg Press12(L) 3×12(M) Back Extension3×15 (0) For time:10-15-20-25Cal
Thursday 9/28/23
UPPER BODYSupinated Pulldown8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) Machine Dip8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) EZ Bar Biceps Curl10(L) 10(M) 10(MH) 10(H) EZ Bar Overhead Triceps Extension10(L) 10(M) 10(MH)
Wednesday 9/27/23
CROSSFITFor load:Every 1:00 for 10:00Odd – 3 Weighted Pull-upEven – 3 Weighted Dip 4 rounds for reps:AMRAP 4:00400m Run40yd Sled Push 180/90Max Calorie Assault Bike
Tuesday 9/26/23
CROSSFITBack Squat8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) For time:30 Power Clean 135/9550 Burpee Over the Bar150 Double Under ____________________________ STRONGFITCycle 2/Week 3Back Squat8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) 2
Monday 9/25/23
CROSSFITStrict Press8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) 5 rounds for time:9 Toes to Bar15 Push-up21 Calorie Row _____________________________ STRONGFITCycle 2/Week 3Bench Press8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) Bent Barbell
Saturday 9/23/23
SLEDS3 rounds:40m Backward Drag 90/4580m Shuttle Run40m Backward Drag(alternate shuttles with a partner) 80m Farmers Walk 3 rounds:40m Sled Pull 90/4580m Shuttle Run40m Sled Pull(alternate
Friday 9/22/23
CROSSFITFor load:Overhead Squat 2-2-2-2-2 10 rounds for time:1 Rope Climb20yd Sled Push 225/135 _____________________________ STRONGFITCycle 2/Week 2Deadlift8(L) 3×8(M) Leg Press12(L) 3×12(M) Back Extension3×15 (0) For
Thursday 9/21/23
UPPER BODYChest Press8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) Seated Row8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) 2 rounds:Run the RackArnold Press 2 rounds:Run the RackSupinated Pulldown 2 rounds:Run the RackDumbbell
Wednesday 9/20/23
CROSSFITFor total reps:Every 1:00 for 10:00Odd – Strict Pull-upEven – Strict Dip(choose reps prior to start – unbroken) 7 rounds for total reps:AMRAP 2:30200m Run10
Tuesday 9/19/23
CROSSFITFor load:Power Snatch 2-2-2-2-2(make consistent increases) 5 rounds for time:10 Toes to Bar20 DB Snatch 50/3540 Double Under _____________________________ STRONGFITCycle 2/Week 1Back Squat8(L) 8(M) 8(MH)
Monday 9/18/23
CROSSFITDumbbell Bench Press12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) For time:30 Pull-up40 Push-up50 Air Squat60/48 Calorie Row50 Air Squat40 Push-up30 Pull-up _________________________________ STRONGFITCycle 2/Week 1Bench Press8(L) 8(M) 8(MH)
Saturday 9/16/23
SLEDS“The Prowler Challenge”8 rounds:40m Sled Push (180/135)(rest 1:00) _____________________________ WEIGHTLIFTINGClean from blocks70% 4×2 Push Press90% 4 sets of 4 Back Squat90% 4 sets of 4
Friday 9/15/23
CROSSFITFor load:Overhead Squat 3-3-3-3-3 5 rounds for total reps:AMRAP 3:003 Parallette Passthrough6 Russian KB Swing 70/539 Wall Ball 20/14(1:00 rest between AMRAPs) ___________________________________ STRONGFITDeadlift8(L) 3×8(M)
Thursday 9/14/23
UPPER BODYIncline Press6(H) 12(MH) 25(M)(start with a couple of warm-up sets) Pec Deck3×15 (M) Machine Dip6(H) 12(MH) 25(M)(start with a couple of warm-up sets) Lat
Wednesday 9/13/23
CROSSFITFor total reps:Every 1:00 for 10:00Odd – Strict Pull-upEven – Strict Dip(choose reps prior to start – unbroken) For time:30 DB Thruster (2xDB) 50/35100 Double
Tuesday 9/12/23
CROSSFIT For load: Power Snatch 3-3-3-3-3(make consistent increases) For time:9-12-15-12-9Pull-upDeadlift 225/155Burpee Over the Bar _______________________________ STRONGFIT Back Squat 8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) 2 rounds: No rest between exercises.12 Hamstring Curl 8
Monday 9/11/23
CROSSFIT Dumbbell Bench Press6(L) 6(M) 6(MH) 6(H) 2 rounds for time:500/400m Row20 Handstand Push-up20 Toes to Bar20 Box Jump Over 24/20500/400m Row(rest 3:00 between rounds) __________________________
Saturday 9/9/23
SLEDSFor time:400m Sled Push 115/70200m Recovery Walk 400m Sled Pull 115/70 _______________________ WEIGHTLIFTING Clean from blocks70% 4×2 Push Press 80% 6 sets of 2 Back Squat 80% 6 sets
Friday 9/8/23
CROSSFIT For load: Overhead Squat 4-4-4-4-4 6 rounds for time:500/400m Assault Bike15 Sit-up9 Power Clean 115/753 Wall Walk _________________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 1/Week 3Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift 3×8 (M) Machine Squat 3×10
Thursday 9/7/23
UPPERBODY “Countdown Sets”Incline Press “Countdown Sets”Wide Grip Pulldown “Countdown Sets”Decline Press “Countdown Sets”Seated Row “Countdown Sets”Triceps Extension “Countdown Sets”Biceps Curl “Countdown Sets”Choose a weight that you
Wednesday 9/6/23
CROSSFIT For total reps:Every 1:00 for 10:00Odd – Strict Pull-upEven – Strict Dip(Choose reps prior to start – unbroken) 3 rounds for time:20 Single-Arm DB Thruster
Tuesday 9/5/23
CROSSFIT For load: Power Snatch 4-4-4-4-4(make consistent increases) For time:50 Sit-up 500m Row50 KB Swing 53/35500m Row50 KB Swing 53/35500m Row50 Sit-up _______________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 1/Week 3Leg Press 4×8 (M)
Monday 9/4/23
CROSSFIT Dumbbell Bench Press8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 0(H) AMRAP 12:002-4-6-8-10-etc…Pull-upBurpee*30 Double Unders after each round _____________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 1/Week 3Dumbbell Bench Press4×8 (M) *follow each set with 15 band
Saturday 9/2/23
SLEDS3 rounds: 20m Sled Push Shuttle (115) 40m Shuttle Run 20m Sled Push Shuttle40m Shuttle Run20m Sled Push Shuttle100m Walk 40m Sled Push Shuttle (70) 80m Shuttle Run40m Sled
Friday 9/1/23
CROSSFIT For load: Overhead Squat 5-5-5-5-5(make consistent increases) For time:1500m Assault Bike-then-3 rounds:5 Power Clean 155/10530 Wall Ball 20/141:00 Plank ____________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 1/Week 2Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift 3×8 (M)
Thursday 8/31/23
UPPER BODY 3 rounds: No rest between exercises.8-12 Incline Press 8-12 Seated Row 8-12 Decline Press (alternate rounds with a partner) 3 rounds: No rest between exercises.8-12 Lat Pulldown 8-12 Chest Press 8-12
Wednesday 8/30/23
CROSSFIT Every 1:00 for 10:00Odd – Strict Pull-upEven – Strict Dip(Choose reps prior to start – unbroken) AMRAP 20:00200m Farmer Carry 53/35200m Run2 Rope Climb20 Push-ups
Tuesday 8/29/23
CROSSFIT For load: Power Snatch 5-5-5-5-5(make consistent increases) For time:750/600m Row40 DB Snatch 50/35500/400m Row40 DB Lunge Steps 50/35250/200m Row40 DB Goblet Squat __________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 1/Week 2Leg
Monday 8/28/23
CROSSFIT Dumbbell Bench Press10(L) 10(M) 10(MH) 10(H) AMRAP 7:007 Shoulder to Overhead 115/757 Toes to Bar (3:00 Rest) AMRAP 7:007 Burpee to 6″7 Calorie Assault Bike
Saturday 8/26/23
SLEDS3 rounds for distance:Round 1: Backward DragRound 2: PullRound 3: Push:10 Sled :50 Rest :20 Sled :40 Rest :30 Sled :30 Rest :40 Sled :20 Rest :50 Sled 200m Recovery Walk ___________________________ WEIGHTLIFTING Clean from
Friday 8/25/23
CROSSFIT For load:Push Press 3-3-3-3-3(make consistent increases) AMRAP 15:0060/48 Calorie Assault Bike (buy-in)-then in remaining time-8 Russian KB Swing 70/4424 Double Under8 Parallette Passthrough24 Double Under
Thursday 8/24/23
UPPER BODY Machine Shoulder Press 4×12 (M) Wide Grip Pulldown 4×12 (M) Machine Dip 4×12 (M) Cable Seated Row 4×12 (M) Overhead Triceps Extension 4×12 (M) EZ Bar Biceps Curl 4×12 (M)
Wednesday 8/23/23
CROSSFIT Seated Row 10(L) 8(M) 6(MH) 4(H) 3 rounds for time:50′ DB Walking Lunge (1xDB) 50/3535 Sit-up20 Pull-up5 Wall Walk ________________________________ STRONGFIT Close Grip Chest Press 4×12 (M) 3
Tuesday 8/22/23
CROSSFIT For load: Power Clean 3-3-3-3-3(make consistent increases) 5 rounds for time:7 Hang Power Clean 135/9514 Burpee Over the Bar _______________________________ STRONGFIT Leg Press 4×12 (M) Split Squat 2×8 (M)
Monday 8/21/23
CROSSFIT Bench Press10(L) 8(M) 5(MH) 3(H) “Karen”For time:150 Wall Ball 20/14 ______________________________ STRONGFIT Dumbbell Bench Press4×12 (M) *follow each set with 15 band pull apart. 3 rounds: No rest
Saturday 8/19/23
SLEDS3 rounds:Round 1: Backward DragRound 2: Pull Round 3: Push 40m Sled 135/90(rest 1:00)40m Sled (rest :45)40m Sled (rest :30)40m Sled (rest :15)40m Sled *200m recovery walk
Friday 8/18/23
CROSSFIT For load:Push Press 4-4-4-4-4(make consistent increases) “Diane”For time:21-15-9Deadlift 225/155Handstand Push-up _________________________________ STRONGFIT Testing Trap Bar Deadlift Build to 1RM Weighted Chin-up Build to 1RM Chin-up (body weight) Max Reps AMRAP
Thursday 8/17/23
Upper Body Chest Press6×6 (constant load)(rest :20 between sets) Peck Deck 12(L) 12(M) 12(H) Machine Dip 6×6 (constant load)(rest :20 between sets) Supinated Pulldown 6×6 (constant load)(rest :20 between
Wednesday 8/16/23
CROSSFIT Seated Row 12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) AMRAP 12:006 Box Jump Over 24/209 Toes to Bar12 Hand Release Push-up__________________________ STRONGFIT Testing Barbell Shoulder Press Build to 1RM Weighted Dip Build to
Tuesday 8/15/23
CROSSFIT For load: Power Clean 4-4-4-4-4(make consistent increases) For time:1000/800m Row50 KB Swing 53/3550 Burpee1000/800m Row ______________________________ STRONGFIT Testing Back Squat Build to 1RM For time:Wall Sit Hold Hamstring Curl 3×12
Monday 8/14/23
CROSSFIT Bench Press8(L) 8(M) 5(MH) 5(H) *follow each set with 15 band pull apart. 3 rounds for time:21 Wall Ball 20/1415 Pull-up90 Double Under ______________________________ STRONGFIT Testing Bench Press Build
Saturday 8/12/23
SLEDS20:00 for distance:Move the sled anyhow 135/90(share work with a partner) ________________________________ WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch 70% 3×3 Clean + Jerk 70% 3(2+2) Push Press 4×4 (M) Back Squat 70% 4×4 “Most
Friday 8/11/23
CROSSFIT For load:Push Press 5-5-5-5-5*follow each set with 15 band pull apart(make consistent increases) For time:30 Toes to Bar50 Calorie Row70 Wall Ball 20/1490 Double Under
Thursday 8/10/23
UPPER BODY 3 rounds: No rest between exercises.8-12 DB Incline Press8-12 Pec Deck 8-12 Decline Press (alternate rounds with a partner) 3 rounds: No rest between exercises.8-12 Lat Pulldown 8-12 Rear
Wednesday 8/9/23
CROSSFIT For load: Power Clean 5-5-5-5-5(make consistent increases) Every 1:00 for 15:00Min 1: 3 Rope Climb Min 2: 10 Single-Arm Devil Press 50/35Min 3: 15 Box Jump 24/20
Tuesday 8/8/23
CROSSFIT Seated Row 15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H) 4 rounds for time: 50′ Waiers Carry 53/3550′ Plate Push 45/2520 Push-up (feet on plate)200m Run with Plate 45/25 _______________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle
Monday 8/7/23
CROSSFIT Bench Press8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) AMRAP 7:007 Power Clean 115/757 Front Squat 115/757 Shoulder to Overhead 115/75 _______________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 6/Week 3Bench Press 8(L) 5(M) 1(MH) 3(H)
Saturday 8/5/23
SLEDS80m Backwards Sled Drag 135/90 4 rounds: 40m Sled Push Shuttle 135/90(alternate shuttles with a partner) 80m Backwards Sled Drag 135/90 4 rounds: 40m Sled Push Shuttle
Friday 8/4/23
CROSSFIT 4 rounds:5 Weighted Pull-up 10 Seated Row (rest as needed between rounds) AMRAP 9:003-6-9-12-15-etc…Toes to BarClean & Jerk 115/75 ________________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 6/Week 2Barbell Bent Row 8(L) 8(M)
Thursday 8/3/23
UPPER BODY Close Grip Dynabody Power Press 10(L) 10(M) 10(MH) 10(H) 3 rounds: No rest between exercises.8 Wide Grip Machine Shoulder Press 8 Neutral Grip Machine Shoulder Press (alternate rounds
Wednesday 8/2/23
CROSSFIT Dumbbell Pullover 12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) 5 rounds for total reps:AMRAP 3:003 Deadlift 275/1856 Burpee Over the Bar24 Double Under _________________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 6/Week 2Barbell Shoulder Press 8(L)
Tuesday 8/1/23
CROSSFIT Reverse Lunge 8(L) 6(M) 4(MH) For time:20/15 Calorie Row20 Pull-up20/15 Calorie Row20 Thruster 95/6520 Pull-up20/15 Calorie Row20 D-Ball Over the Shoulder 100/8020 Thruster20 Pull-up20/15 Calorie Row
Monday 7/31/23
CROSSFIT Standing Shoulder Press8(L) 5(M) 3(MH) 3(H) 5 rounds for time:12 Calorie Assault Bike 8 Single-Arm Devil Press 50/3512 Box Jump 24/204 Parallette Pass Through ______________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle
Saturday 7/29/23
SLEDS3 rounds: (choose weight)80m Sled Push Shuttle (alternate shuttles with a partner) Choose weight:20m Farmers Walk 40m Farmers Walk 60m Farmers Walk 80m Farmers Walk 60m Farmers Walk 40m Farmers Walk 20m
Friday 7/28/23
CROSSFIT4 rounds:5 Weighted Pull-up 10 Seated Row (rest as needed between rounds) 3 rounds for time:50′ DB Walking Lunge (1xDB) 50/3515 Deadlift 185/125500/400m Row ___________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 6/Week
Thursday 7/27/23
UPPER BODY Chest Press 4×12 (M) Supinated Pulldown 4×12 (M) Decline Chest Press 4×12 (M) Cable Seated Row 4×12 (M) 3 rounds: No rest between exercises.12 Pec Deck 12 Rear Delt Fly (alternate
Wednesday 7/26/23
CROSSFIT Dumbbell Pullover 8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) AMRAP 20:0015 KB Swing 53/359 Pull-up3 Wall Walk ________________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 6/Week 1 Barbell Shoulder Press 8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) Pullover & Press 8(L)
Tuesday 7/25/23
CROSSFIT Reverse Lunge 6(L) 6(M) 6(MH) For time:5 Wall Ball Shot 20/1410 Burpee Box Jump Over 10 Wall Ball Shot 10 Burpee Box Jump Over 15 Wall Ball Shot 10 Burpee
Monday 7/24/23
CROSSFIT Standing Shoulder Press8(L) 8(M) 5(MH) 5(H) 3 rounds for time:500m Row 15 Push-up30 DB Snatch 50/3515 Push-up _____________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 6/Week 1 Bench Press 8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) 9-12-15
Saturday 7/22/23
SLEDS Choose weight: 200m Backward Drag 100m recovery Walk 200m Sled Pull 100m recovery Walk 200m Sled Push ____________________________ WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch 70% 2×2 75% 1×1 80% 1×185% 2×190% 3×1 Clean + Jerk 70% 1×275% 1×1 80% 2×1 85%
Friday 7/21/23
CROSSFIT 4 rounds: 5 Weighted Pull-up 10 Seated Row (rest as needed between rounds) AMRAP 7:003-6-9-12-15-18-etc…Power Clean 135/95Burpee Over the Bar _______________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 5/Week 3Deadlift 8(L) 5(M) 1(MH) 3(H) Single-Arm
Thursday 7/20/23
UPPERBODY 3 rounds: No rest between exercises.8 Wide Grip Machine Chest Press8 Neutral Grip Machine Chest Press(alternate rounds with a partner) 3 rounds: No rest between exercises.8 Behind
Wednesday 7/19/23
CROSSFIT Dumbbell Pullover 15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H) For time:80/60 Calorie Assault Bike60 Push-up40 DB Snatch 50/3520 Pull-up __________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 5/Week 3Dumbbell Shoulder Press 8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) 3
Tuesday 7/18/23
CROSSFIT Reverse Lunge 8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) AMRAP 12:00250m Row7 Single Arm DB Thruster 50/35 (left)7 Single Arm DB Thruster 50/35 (right)35 Double Under ___________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 5/Week 3Box
Monday 7/17/23
CROSSFIT Standing Shoulder Press8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) For time:15-12-9-6-3Bench Press 135/95Toes to BarRussian KB Swing 70/44 _______________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 5/Week 3Bench Press8(L) 6(M) 4(MH) 2(H) Pullover 8(L) 8(M)
Saturday 7/15/23
SLEDS20yd Sled Push Shuttle 135/9040yd Sled Push Shuttle 20yd Sled Push Shuttle40yd Sled Push Shuttle 20yd Sled Push Shuttle(alternate shuttles with a partner) 200m Recovery Walk 40yd
Friday 7/14/23
CROSSFIT Seated Row 12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) For time:30-20-10Hang Power Clean 95/65Pull-up _____________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 5/Week 2Deadlift 5(L) 5(M) 1(MH) 5(H) Single-Arm Seated Row8(L) 8(M) 8(H) 3 rounds: No rest
Thursday 7/13/23
UPPER BODY Neutral Grip Chest Press6(H) 12(MH) 25(M) (start with a couple of warm-up sets) Neutral Grip Lat Pulldown 6(H) 12(MH) 25(M) (start with a couple of warm-up sets)
Wednesday 7/12/23
CROSSFIT For time: 150 Double Under AMRAP 20:0020/16 Calorie Assault Bike20 Steps DB Walking Lunge 50/35 (1xDB)20 Push-up ____________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 5/Week 2Dumbbell Shoulder Press 10(L) 10(M) 10(MH) 10(H)
Tuesday 7/11/23
CROSSFIT Machine Squat or Leg Press 12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) For time:24 Toes to Bar72 Double Under12 Deadlifts 275/18520 Toes to Bar60 Double Under10 Deadlift16 Toes to
Monday 7/10/23
CROSSFIT Machine Chest Press10(L) 8M) 6(MH) 4(H) 3 rounds for time:500m Row20 Burpee Over the Rower (rest 2:00 between rounds) ______________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 5/Week 2Bench Press10(L) 8(M) 6(MH)
Saturday 7/8/23
SLEDSFor load:20yd Sled Push 45/2520yd Sled Push 90/4520yd Sled Push 135/7020yd Sled push 180/190Continue format until failure….(add weight each push. no rest between pushes) For
Friday 7/7/23
CROSSFIT Seated Row 15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H) “Jackie-ish”For Time:1000m Row50 Pull-up30 Thruster 95/65 ______________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 5/Week 1Deadlift 8(L) 8(M) 1(MH) 8(H) Single-Arm Seated Row8(L) 8(M) 8(H) 3 rounds: No
Thursday 7/6/23
UPPER BODY 3 rounds: No rest between exercises.8 Wide Grip Machine Chest Press8 Neutral Grip Machine Chest Press(alternate rounds with a partner) 3 rounds: No rest between exercises.8
Wednesday 7/5/23
CROSSFIT Double Under (unbroken) 10-30-10-50-10-30-10 AMRAP 15:00200m Run 15 Toes to Bar10 Burpee _________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 5/Week 1Dumbbell Shoulder Press 12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) 3 rounds: No rest between exercises.8 Tempo
Tuesday 7/4/23
CROSSFIT “Holleyman”30 rounds for time:5 Wall Ball 20/143 Handstand Push-up1 Power Clean 225/135 _______________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 5/Week 1Box Squat (parallel) 12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) 3 rounds: No rest between
Monday 7/3/23
CROSSFIT Machine Chest Press12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) For time:21-18-15-12-9Calorie Assault BikeKB Swing 53/35 ____________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 5/Week 1Bench Press12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) Pullover 12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) 3
Saturday 7/1/23
SLEDS6 rounds: 10m Sled Push (225/180) (3 person relay) 5 rounds: 20m Sled Push (180/135) (3 person relay) 4 rounds: 30m Sled Push (135/90) (3 person relay) 3 rounds: 40m Sled Push
Friday 6/30/23
CROSSFIT Seated Row 15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H) 10 rounds for total calories + reps:1:00 Assault Bike:15 rest:30 Sit-up :15 rest ___________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 4/Week 3Lat Pulldown 8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H)
Thursday 6/29/23
UPPER BODY Chest Press 10(L) 8(M) 6(H) 15(M) Incline Press 10(L) 8(M) 6(H) 15(M) Decline Press 10(L) 8(M) 6(H) 15(M) Lat Pulldown 10(L) 8(M) 6(H) 15(M) Pullover 10(L) 8(M) 6(H) 15(M)
Wednesday 6/28/23
CROSSFIT 2 rounds: (with a partner)15 Med Ball Sit-up15 Russian Twist 15 Leg Throwdown 5 rounds for time:7 Power Clean 135/959 Pull-up11 Burpee Over the Bar ___________________________