Workout, Happening, and Updates at EAST VALLEY STRENGTH & CONDITIONING
Saturday 11/12/22
SLEDSContinue until failure…30yd Sled PULL(add a plate each pull. no rest.) 200yd Recovery walk Continue until failure…30yd Sled PUSH(add a plate each push. no rest.)
Friday 11/11/22
Happy Veterans Day!(regular gym hours) CROSSFIT “Daniel”For time:50 Pull-up400m Run21 Thruster 95/65800m Run21 Thruster 95/65400m Run50 Pull-up _____________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 1/Week 2Romanian Deadlift 8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) Leg
Thursday 11/10/22
UPPER BODY 3 rounds:No rest between exercises.8-12 Chest Press8-12 Pec Deck 8-12 Decline Chest Press(alternate rounds with a partner) 3 rounds:No rest between exercises.8-12 High Row 8-12 Rear
Wednesday 11/9/22
CROSSFITWith a partner for time:1000m Assault Bike5 Rope Climb1000m Row30 Toes to Bar 1000m Assault Bike30 Toes to Bar 1000m Row5 Rope Climb1000m Assault Bike ___________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle
Tuesday 11/8/22
CROSSFITFor load:Every 2:00 for 10:005 Front Squat(make consistent increases) 5 rounds for time:15 Calorie Row15 Double Under15 Wall Ball Shot 20/21415 Double Under ________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle
Monday 11/7/22
CROSSFIT For load:Every 2:00 for 10:006 Dumbbell Bench Press(make consistent increases) For time: 50 Sit-up 30 Single-Arm Dumbbell Snatch 50/3520 Toes Through Rings 30 Single-Arm Devils Press 50/35 20 Parallette
Saturday 11/5/22
SLEDSAMRAP 8:0040yd Sled PUSH 90/45(alternate with a partner) 200yd Recovery Walk AMRAP 8:0040yd Sled PULL 90/45(alternate with a partner) 200yd Recovery Walk 80yd Backwards Drag
Friday 11/4/22
CROSSFIT For total reps:Every 1:00 for 10:00 Handstand Push-up (choose reps prior to start. unbroken) For time:64 Kettlebell Swing 53/3532 Pull-up 48 Kettlebell Swing 24 Pull-up 32 Kettlebell Swing 16 Pull-up 16 Kettlebell
Thursday 11/3/22
UPPER BODY 3 rounds:No rest between exercises.8-12 Dumbbel lIncline Press8-12 Pec Deck 8-12 Decline Press(alternate rounds with a partner) 3 rounds:No rest between exercises.8-12 Lat Pulldown 8-12 Rear
Wednesday 11/2/22
CROSSFIT With a partner for time:1000m Row160yd Farmers Walk 70/44100 Double Under30 Clean & Jerk 95/6560 Burpee Over Bar30 Clean & Jerk100 Double Under160yd Farmers Walk1000m
Tuesday 11/1/22
CROSSFIT For load:Every 2:00 for 10:008 Front Squat(make consistent increases) AMRAP 15:0015 KB Swing 53/359 Toes to Bar3 Wall Walk ___________________________ STRONGFIT 8:00 AMRAP 12 Leg Extension (M) 12
Monday 10/31/22
CROSSFIT For load:Every 2:00 for 10:008 Dumbbell Bench Press(make consistent increases) For total time:2 rounds –200m Run40 Sit-up-then-2 rounds –200m Run30 Push-up-then-2 rounds –200m Run20 Calorie
Saturday 10/29/22
SLEDS4 rounds: 40yd Backward Sled Drag 135/9040yd Sled Pull 40yd Sled Push 200yd Recovery Jog _________________________________ WEIGHTLIFTING Build to a heavy set:1 Snatch Pull + 1 Snatch + 1
Friday 10/28/22
CROSSFIT For load:Deadlift 2-2-2-2-2(make consistent increases) 5 rounds for time:9 Thruster 95/6530 Double Under ______________________________ STRONGFIT Testing Deadlift Build to a 1RM Pull-up (body weight) Max Reps For time:500m Ski
Thursday 10/27/22
UPPER BODY AMRAP 8:008 Lat Pulldown8 Chest Press8 Seated Row AMRAP 8:008 Shoulder Press 8 Pullover 8 Machine Dip AMRAP 8:008 EZ Bar Front Raise 8 EZ Bar Upright
Wednesday 10/26/22
CROSSFIT Clean & JerkBuild to a moderately heavy set of 1-20/10lbs: 3×1 10 rounds for calories + reps:1:00 Calorie Row:15 rest:30 Sit-up:15 rest __________________________ STRONGFIT Testing Standing Shoulder
Tuesday 10/25/22
CROSSFIT In groups of 3 for time:120yd Sled Push 90/4590 Russian KB Swing 70/4460 Burpee to a Plate200m Run (together)120yd Sled Push 135/9060 Russian KB Swing45
Monday 10/24/22
CROSSFIT For load:Bench Press 3-3-3-3-3(make consistent increases) “Cindy”AMRAP 20:005 Pull-up10 Push-up15 Air Squat ___________________________ STRONGFIT Testing Bench PressBuild to a 1RM Dip (body weight) Max Reps For time:500m Row
Saturday 10/22/22
SLEDSAMRAP 8:00 20yd Sled Push Shuttle 180/135(alternate shuttles with a partner) 200yd Recovery Walk AMRAP 8:00 40yd Sled Push Shuttle 135/90(alternate shuttles with a partner) 200yd Recovery
Friday 10/21/22
CROSSFIT For load:Deadlift 4-4-4-4-4(make consistent increases) For time:40 Wall Ball Shot 20/1430 Pull-up20 Handstand Push-up 30 Wall Ball Shot20 Pull-up10 Handstand Push-up 20 Wall Ball Shot10 Pull-up5 Handstand
Thursday 10/20/22
UPPER BODY AMRAP 8:008 Chest Press8 Lat Pulldown AMRAP 8:008 Shulder Press 8 Seated Row AMRAP 8:008 Machine Dip 8 Pullover AMRAP 8:00 8 Triceps Extension 8 Biceps Curl 2
Wednesday 10/19/22
CROSSFIT Clean + JerkBuild to a heavy set of 2+2-20/10lbs: 3(2+2) For time:50 Double Under20 Overhead Squat 95/6550 Double Under20 Front Squat 135/9550 Double Under20 Back
Tuesday 10/18/22
CROSSFIT “Jerry”For time:1 Mile Run 2k Row 1 Mile Run __________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 7/Week 3Back Squat 8(L) 6(M) 4(MH) 2(H) 2 rounds: 8 Bulgarian Split Squat 8 Single Leg RDL (alternate rounds with
Monday 10/17/22
CROSSFIT For load:Bench Press 5-5-5-5-5(make consistent increases) AMRAP 9:009 Deadlift 95/656 Hang Power Clean 3 Shoulder to Overhead __________________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 7/Week 3Bench Press 8(L) 6(M) 4(MH) 2(H) *follow
Saturday 10/15/22
SLEDS3 rounds:40yrd Sled Push 135/90(rest 1:00)40yrd Sled Pull(rest :45)40yrd Sled Push (rest :30)40yrd Sled Pull(rest :15)40yrd Sled Push *200m recovery walk ______________________________ WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch Snatch Pull + Snatch +
Friday 10/14/22
CROSSFIT For load:Deadlift 6-6-6-6-6(make consistent increases) AMRAP 12:003 Handstand Push-up 6 Ring Dip 9 Pull-up ________________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 7/Week 2Deadlift 5(L) 5(M) 5(MH) 5(H) Bent Barbell Row 8(L) 8(M) 8(H) Good
Thursday 10/13/22
UPPER BODY Complete with as little rest as possible:50 Chest Press (use a weight that you can do 12-15 reps with) Complete with as little rest as
Wednesday 10/12/22
CROSSFIT Clean & JerkBuild to a moderately heavy set of 2-20/10lbs: 3×2 For time: 12 Back Squat 185/125400m Run 9 Back Squat 400m Run 6 Back Squat 400m Run 27 Wall Ball
Tuesday 10/11/22
CROSSFIT “Upside Down Lactic Ladders”5 rounds for total calories::50 Row for calories:10 Rest :40 Row for calories:20 Rest :30 Row for calories:30 Rest :20 Row for calories:40 Rest :10 Row
Monday 10/10/22
CROSSFIT For load:Bench Press 8-8-8-8-8(make consistent increases) AMRAP 3:0020 Burpee Over Bar20 Shoulder to Overhead 115/8520 Toes to Bar20 DB Snatch 50/3520 Box Jump Over 24/20
Saturday 10/8/22
SLEDS4 rounds:80yd Sled Pull Shuttle 90/4580yd Farmers Walk 53/35(alternate rounds with a partner) 2 rounds: 80yd Backward Drag Shuttle 90/45(alternate shuttles with a partner) _______________________________ WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch
Friday 10/7/22
CROSSFIT For load:Barbell Bent Over Row 10-8-6-4*follow each set with 15 rear delt fly AMRAP 20:00 20yd Sled Push Shuttle 135/9040yd Sled Push Shuttle60yd Sled Push Shuttle 80yd
Thursday 10/06/22
UPPER BODY 3 rounds: No rest between exercises.8-12 Pec Deck 8-12 Chest Press8-12 Triceps Pushdown(alternate rounds with a partner) 3 rounds: No rest between exercises.8-12 Rear Delt Fly 8-12 Seated
Wednesday 10/5/22
CROSSFITClean + JerkBuild to a Heavy Set of 3+3-20/10lbs: 3(3+3) 4 rounds with a partner for time:500m Assault Bike10 Thruster 95/6515 Pull-up20 Push-up(alternate rounds with
Tuesday 10/4/22
CROSSFIT3 rounds for time: 400m Run 15 Russian Kettlebell Swing 53/3550 Sit-up 15 Russian kettlebell Swing ____________________________________ STRONGFIT Back Squat 12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) 2 rounds: 8 Bulgarian Split Squat 8 Single
Monday 10/3/22
CROSSFITFor load:Push-Press 4-4-4-4-4*follow each set with 15 band face pull For time:750m Row 35 Double Under 25 Wall Ball Shot 20/1435 Double Under 25 Wall Ball Shot 35 Double Under 25
Saturday 10/1/22
SLEDS20yd Sled Push Shuttle 135/9040yd Sled Push Shuttle 20yd Sled Push Shuttle40yd Sled Push Shuttle 20yd Sled Push Shuttle(alternate shuttles with a partner) 200m Recovery Walk 40yd
Friday 9/30/22
CROSSFIT For load:Bent Over Barbell Row 6-6-6-6-6*follow each set with 15 rear delt fly For time:21 Single-Arm Devil Press 50/35150′ DB Walking Lunge 50/3515 Single-Arm Devil
Thursday 9/29/22
UPPER BODY “Rest Pause Sets”Chest Press “Rest Pause Sets”Seated Row “Rest Pause Sets”Shoulder Press “Rest Pause Sets”Lat Pulldown “Rest Pause Sets”Machine Dip “Rest Pause Sets”Biceps Curl
Wednesday 9/28/22
CROSSFIT Clean & JerkBuild to a Moderately Heavy Set of 3 -20/10lbs: 3×3 With a partner for time:33-27-21-15-9Calorie RowDeadlift 185/125Calorie Assault BikeToes to Bar(“resting” partner must
Tuesday 9/27/22
CROSSFIT For load:Barbell Lunge 4-4-4-4-4 (each leg)*follow each set with 15 glute bridge 5 rounds for time:200m Run15 Wall Ball 20/1410 Pull-up5 Wall Walk _________________________________ STRONGFITCycle
Monday 9/26/22
CROSSFIT For load:Push Press 6-6-6-6-6*follow each set with 15 band face pull AMRAP 10:0010 KB Swing 53/3510 Box Jump 24/20 ________________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 6/Week 3“Juarez Valley 8”8-1-7-2-6-3-5-4
Saturday 9/24/22
SLEDS2 rounds: 20yd Sled Push Shuttle 135/9040yd Sled Push Shuttle60yd Sled Push Shuttle (alternate shuttles with a partner) 2 rounds: 80yd Sled Pull Shuttle 135/90(alternate shuttles with a
Friday 9/23/22
CROSSFIT For load:Bent Barbell Row 8-8-8-8-8*follow each set with 15 rear delt fly For time:30-20-10Wall Ball 20/14Calorie RowBurpee Over Rower ______________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 6/Week 2Bent Dumbbell Row 8(L)
Thursday 9/22/22
UPPERBODY “Cumulative Sets”Chest Press “Cumulative Sets”Front Pulldown “Cumulative Sets”Shoulder Press “Cumulative Sets”Seated Row “Cumulative Sets”Seated Dip “Cumulative Sets”Pullover *Cumulative Sets”1. Select a weight that you can
Wednesday 9/21/22
CROSSFIT For quality:10-15-20-15-10Bicycle Crunch (each side)Weighted Sit-up “20 Minutes of fun”For load:Every 2:00 for 20:006 Deadlift6 Bent Row6 Hang Power Clean 6 Push Press6 Front Squat ____________________________
Tuesday 9/20/22
CROSSFIT For load:Barbell Lunge 5-5-5-5 (each leg) *follow each set with 15 glute bridge 2 rounds for total reps:AMRAP 3:0030 Double Under10 Hand Release Push-up(rest 1:00 after
Monday 9/19/22
CROSSFIT For load:Push Press 8-8-8-8-8*follow each set with 15 band face pull For time:1000m Assault Bike30 DB Snatch 50/35400m Run30 DB Snatch1000m Assault Bike _____________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle
Saturday 9/17/22
SLEDS8 rounds for load:40yd Sled Pull (alternate shuttles with a partner) 2 rounds for load:80yd Backward Drag (alternate shuttles with a partner) _______________________________ WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch 3 waves:70% 1×275% 1×280%
Friday 9/16/22
CROSSFITThruster3-2-2-1-1-1(make consistent increases) 2 rounds for time:30 Wall Ball Shot 20/1430 Pull-up30 Box Jump 24/2030 Push-up30 Kettlebell Swing 53/3530 Sit-up ___________________________ STRONGFITCycle 6/Week 1Bent Dumbbell
Thursday 9/15/22
UPPER BODY 9-12-15No rest between exercises.Chest PressLat Pulldown(alternate rounds with a partner) 9-12-15No rest between exercises.Shoulder PressSeated Row (alternate rounds with a partner) 9-12-15No rest between exercises.Machine
Wednesday 9/14/22
CROSSFIT 3 rounds for quality:15 Back Extension15 Weighted Sit-upMax L-Sit Hold 5 rounds for distance:AMRAP 3:001 Rope Climb10 Burpee to 6″30 Double UnderMax Distance Row(1:00 rest
Tuesday 9/13/22
CROSSFIT Barbell Lunge (each leg)6(L) 6(M) 2×6(MH) 3 rounds for time:15 Toes to Bar15 Box Jump Over 24/2015 Front Squat 135/95(2:00 rest between rounds) _____________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle
Monday 9/12/22
CROSSFIT For load:Single-Arm DB Push-Press 10-8-6-4*15 Band Pull Apart after each set “Helen”3 rounds for time:400m Run21 KB Swing 53/3512 Pull-up ____________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 6/Week 1“Juarez Valley
Saturday 9/10/22
SLEDSContinue until failure:40yd Sled Push 45/040yd Sled Push 90/4540yd Sled Push 135/90etc…. 200yd Recovery Walk Continue until failure:40yd Sled Pull 45/040yd Sled Pull 90/4540yd Sled
Friday 9/9/22
CROSSFIT For load:Thruster 2-2-2-2-2(make consistent increases) For time:30/24 Calorie Row20 DB Clean & Jerk 50/35 30/24 Calorie Row20 DB Clean & Jerk 30/24 Calorie Row ________________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 5/Week
Thursday 9/8/22
UPPER BODY 3 rounds:No rest between exercises.8-12 Shoulder Press8-12 Pullover 8-12 Machine Dip (alternate rounds wih a partner) 3 rounds:No rest between exercises.8-12 Lat Pulldown 8-12 Chest Press 8-12 Seated
Wednesday 9/7/22
CROSSFIT 3 rounds for quality:10 Parallette Passthrough:15 L-Sit Hold30 Mountain Climber:30 Tall Plank Shoulder Tap AMRAP 20:00 with a partner10-20-30-40-50-etc…Wall Ball 20/14KB Swing 53/35Pull-up*100 Double Under
Tuesday 9/6/22
CROSSFIT Power Clean4(L) 3(M) 2(MH) 1(H) 2 rounds for time:1000/800m Assault Bike50 Sit-up35 Burpee400m Run(rest 2:00 between rounds) ______________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 5/Week 3Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5(make consistent increases)
Monday 9/5/22
Labor Day Hours!7:00a-10:00a Open Gym ___________________________ CROSSFIT For load:Single-Arm DB Push-Press 6-6-6-6-6*15 Band Pull Apart after each set For total time:80yd Sled Push Shuttle 90/4521 Power
Saturday 9/3/22
SLEDS2 rounds: 40yd Sled Push 135/9040yd Sled Pull (alternate with a partner)40yd Lateral Drag Lt 90/4540yd Lateral Drag Rt (alternate with a partner)40yd Backward Drag 135/9040yd Sled Pull 200m
Friday 9/2/22
CROSSFIT For load:Thruster 4-4-4-4-4(make consistent increases) For time:27 Burpee Over the Bar18 Thruster 75/5521 Burpee Over the Bar14 Thruster15 Burpee Over the Bar10 Thruster9 Burpee Over
Thursday 9/1/22
UPPER BODY 3 rounds: No rest between exercises.8 Tempo Pec Deck (:04 ecc) 8-12 Chest Press(alternate rounds wih a partner) 3 rounds: No rest between exercises.8 Tempo Rear Delt
Wednesday 8/31/22
CROSSFIT 3 rounds for quality:8 Scapular Pull-up6 Beat Swing Kip4 Kip to Pull (not all the way up):20 Hollow Hold With a partner for time:90 Toes
Tuesday 8/30/22
CROSSFIT Power Clean5(L) 3(M) 3×1(MH) For total reps:AMRAP 2:00500/400m Assault BikeMax Shoulder to Overhead 115/85 (rest 2:00) AMRAP 3:001000/800m Assault BikeMax Front Squat 115/85 (rest 3:00)
Monday 8/29/22
CROSSFIT For load:Single-Arm DB Push-Press 8-8-8-8-8*15 Band Pull Apart after each set 4 rounds for time:400m Run30 Double Under20 DB Snatch 50/35 _______________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 5/Week 1Bench
Saturday 8/27/22
SLEDS5 rounds: 20yd Sled Push Shuttle 180/135(alternate shuttles with a partner) 80yd Farmers Walk 70/53 4 rounds: 40yd Sled Push Shuttle 135/90(alternate shuttles with a partner) 80yd
Friday 8/26/22
CROSSFIT For load:Thruster 3-3-3-3-3(make consistent increases) “Holleyman Junior”20 rounds for time:5 Wall Ball 20/144 Hand-Release Push-up3 Power Clean 115/75 ____________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 5/Week 1Deadlift 5-5-5-5-5 “Rest Pause
Thursday 8/25/22
UPPER BODY 21-15-9No rest between exercises.Shoulder Press Machine Dip Chest Press(no rest between rounds) 21-15-9No rest between exercises.Lat Pulldown Machine Pullover Seated Row (no rest between rounds) 21-15-9No rest between exercises.Lateral
Wednesday 8/24/22
CROSSFIT 3 rounds for quality:5 Strict Toes to Bar10 Supine Leg Lift Over15 Weighted Sit-up AMRAP 20:0020 Burpee to 6″20 Pull-up20 Box Jump Over 24/20*500m Row
Tuesday 8/23/22
CROSSFIT Power Clean2(L) 2(M) 2(MH) 2(H) 7 rounds for time:200m Run10 Single-Arm Devil Press 50/35(1:00 Rest betewen rounds)___________________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 5/Week 1Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 “Rest Pause Set” Leg
Monday 8/22/22
CROSSFIT For load:Single-Arm DB Press 10-8-6-4*follow each set with 8 DB Bent Row 3 rounds for time:500m Assault Bike50 Air Squat25 Ball Slam 20/14 ___________________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle
Saturday 8/20/22
WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch 60% 1×365% 1×370% 3×2 Clean + Jerk 60% 2+265% 2+270% 3(2+2) Walking Lunge 3×8 (0) (each leg) Waiter’s Carry 2x 40yd (M) (each arm) ______________________________ SLEDS80yd Backward Sled
Friday 8/19/22
CROSSFITFor load:Thruster 5-5-5-5-5(make consistent increases) For time:21-15-9Double UnderCalorie Assault BikeDouble UnderHand Release Push-upDouble UnderHang Power Clean 115/75 ________________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 4/Week 1Deadlift 5(L) 5(M) 5(MH) 5(H) 3
Thursday 8/18/22
UPPER BODY 3 rounds: No rest between exercises.8-12 Machine Shoulder Press8 Tempo Lateral Raise (:04 ecc) 8-12 Machine Dip (alternate rounds with a partner) 3 rounds: No rest between exercises.8-12
Wednesday 8/17/22
CROSSFIT 3 rounds for quality:7 Alligator Roll21 Bicycle Crunch (each side)7 Parallette Passthrough With a partner for time:40 DB Snatch 50/3560 DB Walking Lunge 50/35 (1x
Tuesday 8/16/22
CROSSFIT Power Clean2(L) 2(M) 3×2(MH) 3 rounds for time:21 Calorie Row15 Burpee9 Box Jump 24/20 ________________________________ STRONGFITCycle 4/Week 1Back Squat 10(L) 8(M) 6(H) 15(MH) 3 rounds: No rest
Monday 8/15/22
CROSSFIT For load:Single-Arm DB Press 6-6-6-6*follow each set with 6 DB Bent Row 8 rounds for time:4 Thruster 115/758 Toes to Bar______________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 4/Week 1Bench Press 10(L)
Saturday 8/13/22
Iron Athlete summer Open Weightlifting Meet Women Weigh-in 9a-10aWomen Lift 11aMen Weigh-in 12p-1pMen Lift 2p Meet Location:East Valley Strength & Conditioning 8 N Roosevelt Ave
Friday 8/12/22
CROSSFIT For load:Back Squat 1-1-1-1-1 AMRAP 20:001 Rope Climb10 Push-up30′ Goblet Walking Lunge 35/26___________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 4/Week 1Deadlift 5(L) 5(M) 5(MH) 5(H) 3 rounds: No rest between exercises.10 Behind
Thursday 8/11/22
UPPER BODY3 rounds:No rest between exercises.8 Tempo Pec Deck (:04 ecc)8-12 Chest Press(alternate rounds with a partner) 3 rounds:No rest between exercises.8 Rear Delt Fly
Wednesday 8/10/22
CROSSFIT3 rounds for quality:30 Bench Knees to Chest (total)20 Bench Scissor Kick (total)10 Bench Alt. Arm/Leg Touch (total) 5 rounds with a partner for time:200m
Tuesday 8/9/22
CROSSFITPower Clean3(L) 3(M) 3(MH) 3(H) 3 rounds for time:30/24 Calorie Assault Bike20 Toes to Bar10 Burpee(1:00 rest between rounds)_____________________STRONGFITCycle 4/Week 1Back Squat10(L) 8(M) 6(H) 15(MH)
Monday 8/8/22
CROSSFITFor load:Single-Arm DB Press 8-8-8-8-8*follow each set with 8 DB Bent Row For time:30 Pull-up500m Row21 Thruster 75/551000m Row21 Thruster500m Row30 Pull-up__________________________STRONGFITCycle 4/Week 1Bench Press10(L)
SLEDS4 rounds:40yd Backward Sled Drag 135/9040yd Sled Pull40yd Sled Push200yd Recovery Jog________________________WEIGHTLIFTINGSnatchBuild to Opener (approx. 92%) Clean & JerkBuild to Opener (approx. 92%) “Nothing splendid
Friday 8/5/22
CROSSFIT For load: Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 (make consistent increases) 7 rounds for time: 7 Deadlift 225/155 21 Double Under ______________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 4/Week 1 Deadlift
Thursday 8/4/22
UPPER BODY “Cumulative Sets” Chest Press “Cumulative Sets” Front Pulldown “Cumulative Sets” Shoulder Press “Cumulative Sets” Seated Row “Cumulative Sets” Seated Dip “Cumulative Sets” Pullover
Wednesday 8/3/22
CROSSFIT 3 rounds for quality: 15 Weighted Sit-up 10 Single-Arm/Single-Leg V-up 5 Alligator Roll With a partner for time: 60 Box Jump Over 24/20 30
Tuesday 8/2/22
CROSSFIT Power Clean 3(L) 3(M) 3×3(MH) 2 rounds for time: 30/20 Calorie Row 50 Sit-up 30/20 Calorie Assault Bike 90′ DB Walking Lunge 50/35 (1x
Monday 8/1/22
CROSSFIT For load: Every 1:00 for 10:00 Odd min: 1 Weighted Pull-up Even min: 1 Weighted Dip (make consistent increases. unbroken) For time: 35 Wall
Saturday 7/30/22
7:00a Competitor 7:00a Strongman 7:00a Sleds 8:00a Weightlifting 9:00a CrossFit 10:00a Open Gym _____________________ WEIGHTLIFTING Snatch 70% 2×2 75% 1×1 80% 1×1 85% 2×1 90%
Friday 7/29/22
CROSSFIT For load: Back Squat 5-5-5-5-5 (make consistent increases) “Grace” For time: 30 Clean & Jerks 135/95 ________________________ STRONGFIT Cycle 3/Week 3 Rack Pull (BK)
Thursday 7/28/22
UPPER BODY “Countdown Sets” Chest Press “Countdown Sets” Front Pulldown “Countdown Sets” Shoulder Press “Countdown Sets” Seated Row “Countdown Sets” Seated Dip “Countdown Sets” Pullover
Wednesday 7/27/22
CROSSFIT For quality: 21-15-9 Single-Leg Toes to Bar Russian Twist (over and back is one) V-up AMRAP 20:00 with a partner: 2 Wall Walk 6
Tuesday 7/26/22
CROSSFIT For time: 15 Russian KBS 70/44 30 Double under 300m Row 20 Russian KBS 70/44 40 Double under 300m Row 25 Russian KBS 70/44
Monday 7/25/22
CROSSFIT For load: Every 1:00 for 10:00 Odd min: 2 Weighted Pull-up Even min: 2 Weighted Dip (make consistent increases. unbroken) For time: 30 Calorie
Saturday 7/23/22
7:00a Competitor 7:00a Strongman 7:00a Sleds 8:00a Weightlifting 9:00a CrossFit 10:00a Open Gym _______________________ SLEDS 5 rounds: 20yd Sled Push Shuttle 180/135 (alternate shuttles with
Friday 7/22/22
CROSSFIT For load: Back Squat 3-3-3-3-3 (make consistent increases) “DT Meets Cindy” 5 rounds for time: 1 round – 12 Deadlift 115/85 9 Hang Power
Thursday 7/21/22
UPPER BODDY 15-12-10-8 No rest between exercises. Chest Press Seated Row (alternate rounds with a partner) 15-12-10-8 No rest between exercises. Shoulder Press Lat Pulldown