Workout, Happening, and Updates at EAST VALLEY STRENGTH & CONDITIONING

Tuesday 2/25/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSThruster8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) For total time:3 rounds –9 Deadlift 185/1256 Box Jump Over 24/203 Wall Walk-then-800m Run-then-3 rounds –3 Wall Walk6 Box Jump

Monday 2/24/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSFor time:750/600m Row(2:30 rest)750/600m Row 5 rounds for total reps:AMRAP 2:0010 Burpee to 6″ Reach15 KB Swing 5/35Max Calorie Bike(rest 1:00 between AMRAP’s) _____________________

Saturday 3/22/25
SLEDS3 rounds:60m Sled Pull Shuttle(alternate shuttles with a partner) 80m Farmers Carry 6 rounds:20m Sled Push Shuttle(alternate shuttles with a partner) 80m Farmers Carry 6

Friday 3/21/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSDeadlift6(L) 6(M) 6(MH) 6(H) For time:21-18-15-12-9Burpee Over the BarThruster 75/55 ____________________ STRONGFITWeek 32 rounds: (very light)12 Banded Hip Flexion8 Single-Leg Hip Thrust4 Bullfrog Deadlift10(L)

Thursday 3/20/25
UPPER BODYIncline Chest Press12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) High Row12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) Chest Press8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) Seated Row8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) 3 rounds:No rest

Wednesday 3/19/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESS“Lynne”5 rounds for total reps:Bench Press (BW/.66 BW)Pull-up(rest 3:00 between rounds) ____________________ STRONGFITWeek 32 rounds: (very light)12 Single-Arm Pullover12 Lying Side Adduction6 Tempo Ring

Tuesday 3/18/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSBarbell Lunge6(L) 6(M) 6(MH) -each leg- AMRAP 20:005 Power Clean 135/9510 Toes to Bar15 Wall Ball 20/14 _____________________ STRONGFITWeek 22 rounds: (very light)20 TKE8

Monday 3/17/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSFor time:500m Row(1:30 rest)500m Row For time:10-20-30-40KB Swing 53/35Double UnderCalorie BikeDouble Under __________________ STRONGFITWeek 32 rounds: (very light)15 Prone Incline Rear Delt Fly12 Supine

Saturday 3/15/25
SLEDS2 rounds:80m Sled Pull Shuttle(alternate shuttles with a partner) 4 rounds:40m Sled Pull Shuttle(alternate shuttles with a partner) 2 rounds:80m Farmers Carry(alternate shuttles with a

Friday 3/14/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSCF Open 25.3 __________________ STRONGFITWeek 22 rounds: (very light)12 Banded Hip Flexion8 Single-Leg Hip Thrust4 Bullfrog Deadlift10(L) 8(M) 6(MH) 4(H) Leg Press15(L) 12(M) 10(MH)

Thursday 3/13/25
UPPER BODYSingle-Arm Seated Row12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) Chest Press6×6 (rest :10 between sets) Single-Arm Pulldown12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) Machine Dip6×6 (rest :10 between sets) Pullover12(L)

Wednesday 3/12/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESS5 rounds:6 Bench PressMax Rep Strict Pull-up(rest 2:00) With a partner for time:1 Mile Run2000m Row1 Mile Run(partition the distance however you choose) _________________

Tuesday 3/11/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSBarbell Lunge8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) -each leg- For time:30 Wall Ball 20/1450 Dumbbell Snatch 50/3530 Wall Ball50 Toes to Bar30 Wall Ball ____________________ STRONGFITWeek 22

Monday 3/10/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSFor load:Ever 1:00 for 10:001 Power Clean & Push Press 5 rounds for total reps:AMRAP 2:0010 Burpee Box Step Over 24/2050 Double UnderMax Calorie

Saturday 3/8/35
SLEDS40m Farmers Carry (each)(3 person relay) 6 rounds:10m Sled Push(3 person relay) 40m Farmers Carry (each)(3 person relay) 5 rounds:20m Sled Push(3 person relay) 40m

Friday 3/7/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESS*CF Open 25.2*For time:21 Pull-up42 Double Under21 Thruster 95/6518 Pull-up36 Double Under18 Thruster 115/7515 Pull-up30 Double Under15 Thruster 135/85 ________________ STRONGFITWeek 13 rounds: (very

Thursday 3/6/24
UPPER BODYChest Press12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) Single-Arm Front Pulldown12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) Shoulder Press12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) Single-Arm Row12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) Machine Dip12(L) 10(M)

Wednesday 3/5/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESS4 sets:8 Bench PressMax Rep Strict Pull-up(2:00 rest) 3 sets for time:2 rounds –6 Power Clean 135/953 Wall Walk-after both rounds-20/16 Calorie Assault Bike(2:00

Tuesday 3/4/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSBarbell Lunge10(L) 10(M) 10(MH) -each leg- AMRAP 20:005 Shuttle Run (2×25′ = 1)10 Single-Arm Devil Press 50/3515 Wall Ball 20/14 ____________________ STRONGFITWeek 13 rounds:

Monday 3/3/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSFor load:Ever 1:00 for 10:001 Power Clean & Push Press 5 rounds for time:60 Double Under10 Toes to Bar _____________________ STRONGFITWeek 13 rounds: (very

Saturday 3/1/25
SLEDSContinue until failure:20yd Sled Push 45/020yd Sled Push 90/4520yd Sled Push 135/90etc…. 200m Sled Pull 200m Farmers Carry _____________________ WEIGHTLIFTINGSnatchBuild to 1RM Clean & JerkBuild

Friday 2/28/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESS*CF Open 25.1* ___________________ STRONGFITWeek 32 rounds: (very light)10 Banded Good Morning10 Windshield Wipers10 Bird Dog (alternating) Romanian Deadlift12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H) Machine Squat12(L)

Thursday 2/27/25
UPPER BODY15-12-9Chest PressSupinate Pulldown(no rest) 15-12-9Overhead PressSeated Row(no rest) 15-12-9Machine PulloverMachine Biceps Curl(no rest) 15-12-9Pec DeckMachine Triceps Kickback(no rest) 21-15-9Rope Triceps PushdownRope Biceps Curl(no rest)

Wednesday 2/26/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESS4 sets:10 Bench PressMax Rep Strict Pull-up(rest 2:00) AMRAP 15:00200m Run40 Double Under20 KB Swing 53/35 _________________ STRONGFITWeek 32 rounds: (light)12 Plate Circle (both

Tuesday 2/25/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSBack Squat5-4-3-2-1 For total time:3 rounds –3 Toes to Bar5 Burpee to Plate7 Wall Ball 20/14 (rest 1:00) 3 rounds –5 Toes to Bar7

Monday 2/24/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSFor load:Ever 1:00 for 10:001 Power Snatch 2 rounds for time:8-6-4-2Deadlift 225/155Hand Release Push-upCalorie Row ____________________ STRONGFITWeek 32 rounds: (very light)12 Lying Side Shoulder

Saturday 2/22/25
SLEDS6 rounds:40m Sled Push80m Shuttle Run40m Sled Pull(alternate rounds with a partner) ___________________ WEIGHTLIFTINGTesting Next SaturdaySnatchBuild to Opener Clean & JerkBuild to Opener “Health is

Friday 2/21/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSPower Clean & Push Press2(L) 2(M) 2(MH) 2(H) AMRAP 15:0060 Double Under30 Sit-up15 Power Snatch 75/55 _____________________ STRONGFITWeek 22 rounds: (very light)10 Banded Good

Thursday 2/20/25
UPPER BODY3 rounds:No rest between exercises.8-12 Chest Press8-12 Pullover8-12 Seated Row(alternate rounds with a partner) 3 rounds:No rest between exercises.8-12 Overhead Press8-12 Lateral Raise8-12 Machine

Wednesday 2/19/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESS4 rounds:12 Bench PressMax Reps Strict Pull-up(rest 2:00 between rounds) 7 rounds for time:3 Wall Walk7 Russian KB Swing 70/4411 Ring Row ____________________ STRONGFITWeek

Tuesday 2/18/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSBack Squat4(L) 4(M) 4(MH) 4(H) 5 rounds for total reps:1:00 Toes to Bar1:00 Calorie Row1:00 Air Squat1:00 Rest _____________________ STRONGFITWeek 22 rounds: (very light)10

Monday 2/17/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSPower Snatch2(L) 2(M) 2(MH) 2(H) For time:400m Run -then-16-12-8-4Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20Single-Arm Devil Press 50/35 -then- 400m Run ___________________ STRONGFITWeek 22 rounds: (very

Saturday 2/15/25
SLEDS2 rounds:40m Backwards Drag40m Sled Push(rest while partner completes)80m Sled Pull(rest while partner completes)40m Backwards Drag40m Sled Pull(rest while partner completes)80m Sled Push(alternate with a

Friday 2/14/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSPower Clean & Push Press3(L) 3(M) 3(MH) 3(H) “Fran”For time:21-15-9Thruster 95/65Pull-up ______________________ STRONGFITWeek 12 rounds: (very light)10 Banded Good Morning10 Windshield Wipers10 Bird Dog

Thursday 2/13/25
UPPER BODY4 rounds:No rest between exercises.8-12 Machine Dip8-12 Supinated Pulldown(alternate rounds with a partner) 4 rounds:No rest between exercises.8-12 EZ Bar Curl8-12 EZ Bar Overhead

Wednesday 2/12/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESS4 sets for reps:Max Reps Strict Pull-upMax Reps Bar Dip(2:00 rest) For total time:5 rounds –20 Double Under10 Russian KB Swing 70/44 (3:00 rest)

Tuesday 2/11/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSBack Squat6(L) 6(M) 6(MH) 6(H) For time:3000/2400m Bike1500/1200m Row75 Wall Ball 20/14(2:00 on / 1:00 off until you finish) _______________________ STRONGFITWeek 12 rounds: (very

Monday 2/10/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSPower Snatch3(L) 3(M) 3(MH) 3(H) AMRAP 12:008 DB Snatch 50/356 Toes to Bar4 DB Box Step Over 50/35 (20″) _________________________ STRONGFITWeek 12 rounds: (very

Saturday 2/8/25
SLEDS6 rounds: (building)20m Sled Push Shuttle(alternate shuttles with a partner) 80m Sled Pull Shuttle 6 rounds: (building)20m Sled Push Shuttle(alternate shuttles with a partner) 80m

Friday 2/7/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSPower Clean & Push Press4(L) 4(M) 4(MH) 4(H) 3 rounds for total reps:AMRAP 6:003 Wall Walk6 Goblet Lunge 53/3512/9 Calorie Row(2:00 rest between AMRAPs)

Thursday 2/6/25
UPPER BODYChest Press8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) Pullover8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) 3 rounds:No rest between exercises.12-15 Pec Deck8-12 Machine Dip(alternate rounds with a partner) 3 rounds:No

Wednesday 2/5/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESS4 sets for reps:Max Reps Strict Pull-upMax Reps Bar Dip(2:00 rest) For time:90 Double Under60 Pull-up30 KB Swing 53/35800m Run30 KB Swing60 Hand Release

Tuesday 2/4/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSBack Squat8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) AMRAP 15:005-10-15-20-25-etc…Wall Ball Shot 20/14Toes to BarBurpee ________________________ STRONGFITWeek 38 rounds::10 Assault Bike (hard):20 Assault Bike (easy) Complete with

Monday 2/3/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSPower Snatch4(L) 4(M) 4(MH) 4(H) For time:42-30-18DB Hang Power Clean & Jerk (1×50/35)Box Jump Over 24/20 _______________________ STRONGFITWeek 32 rounds: (very light)12 Lying Side
Saturday 2/1/25
SLEDSAMRAP 30:00200m Sled Pull 135/9080m Farmers Carry1:00 Plank Hold(share work with a partner) ___________________ WEIGHTLIFTINGSnatch3 waves:70% 1×175% 1×180% 1×185% 1×1 Clean + Jerk2 waves:70% 1×175%

Friday 1/31/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSPower Clean & Push Press5(L) 5(M) 5(MH) 5(H) For time:12-10-8-6-4-2Single-Arm Devil Press 50/35Calorie Bike ________________________ STRONGFITWeek 22 rounds: (very light)15 TKE10 Single-Leg Hip Thrust10

Thursday 1/30/25
UPPER BODYChest Press8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) Seated Row8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) Incline Chest Press15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H) Wide Grip Pulldown15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H) Machine Dip15(L)

Wednesday 1/29/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESS4 sets for reps:Max Reps Strict Pull-upMax Reps Bar Dip(2:00 rest) 4 rounds for time:400m Run30 Push-up20 KB Swing 53/35 ______________________ STRONGFITWeek 22 rounds:

Tuesday 1/28/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSBack Squat10(L) 10(M) 10(MH) 10(H) AMRAP 5:0050/40 Calorie RowMax Wall Ball Shot 20/14 (1:00 rest)AMRAP 4:0040/32 Calorie RowMax Wall Ball Shot 20/14 (1:00 rest)AMRAP

Monday 1/27/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSPower Snatch5(L) 5(M) 5(MH) 5(H) AMRAP 12:003 Deadlift 225/1556 Toes to Bar9 Burpee _______________________ STRONGFITWeek 22 rounds: (very light)12 Lying Side Shoulder Adduction12 Single-Arm

Saturday 1/25/25
SLEDS3 rounds:80m Sled Pull Shuttle(alternate shuttles with a partner) 3 rounds:80m Farmers Carry(alternate carries with a partner) 3 rounds:80m Backward Drag Shuttle(alternate shuttles with a

Friday 1/24/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSDB Romanian Deadlift10(L) 8(M) 6(MH) 4(H)*follow each set with 10 Goblet Squat For time:30 Thruster 95/6550 Sit-up70 KB Swing 53/3550 Sit-up30 Thruster ____________________ STRONGFITWeek

Thursday 1/23/25
UPPER BODY4 rounds:10 EZ Bar Overhead Triceps Extension10 EZ Bar Biceps Curl(alternate rounds with a partner) 3 rounds:12 Nautilus Multi-Triceps12 Nautilus Multi-Biceps(alternate rounds with a

Wednesday 1/22/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSDB Prone Incline Row10(L) 8(M) 6(MH) 4(H)*follow each set with 10 Skull Crusher 4 rounds for time with a partner:120m Sled Push 180/13580 Double

Tuesday 1/21/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSDB Reverse Lunge (each leg)10(L) 8(M) 6(MH)*follow each set with 10 Partner Hamstring Curl 3 rounds for time:400m Run21 Wall Ball Shot 20/1415 Pull-up

Monday 1/20/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSDB Bench Press10(L) 8(M) 6(MH) 4(H)*follow each set with 10 DB Curl No rest between AMRAP’sAMRAP 7:0030 Toes to Bar30 BurpeeMax Calorie Row AMRAP

Saturday 1/18/25
SLEDS5 rounds:20m Sled Push Shuttle40m Sled Push Shuttle60m Sled Push Shuttle(alternate Shuttles with a partner) ______________________ WEIGHTLIFTINGSnatch70% 2×275% 2×280% 3×2 Clean + Jerk70% 2(2+2)75% 2+280%

Friday 1/17/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSDB Romanian Deadlift12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H)*follow each set with 10 Goblet Squat “Chief & Kong”AMRAP 18:003 Power Clean 135/956 Handstand Push-up9 Wall Ball Shot

Thursday 1/16/25
UPPER BODYChest Press8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) Pullover8(L) 8(M) 8(MH) 8(H) 3 rounds:No rest between exercises.12-15 Pec Deck8-12 Machine Dip(alternate rounds with a partner) 3 rounds:No

Wednesday 1/15/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSDB Prone Incline Row12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H)*follow each set with 10 Skull Crusher For time:9-15-21-15-9Toes to BarDouble UnderCalorie BikeDouble Under ___________________ STRONGFITWeek 32 rounds:

Tuesday 1/14/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSDB Reverse Lunge (each leg)12(L) 10(M) 8(H)*follow each set with 10 Partner Hamstring Curl 10 rounds for time:200m Run15 Air Squat10 Burpees __________________ STRONGFITWeek

Monday 1/13/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSDB Bench Press12(L) 10(M) 8(MH) 6(H)*follow each set with 10 DB Curl For time:50 Calorie Row30 DB Snatch 50/3510 Wall Walk (2:00 rest) 10

Saturday 1/11/25
SLEDS4 rounds:10m Sled Push Shuttle 3 rounds:10m Sled Push Shuttle20m Sled Push Shuttle(alternate shuttles with a partner) 2 rounds:10m Sled Push Shuttle20m Sled Push Shuttle30m

Friday 1/10/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSDB Romanian Deadlift15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H) For time:30 Burpee Box Jump Over 24/20750/600m Row20 Burpee Box Jump Over500/400m Row10 Burpee Box Jump Over250/200m Row

Thursday 1/9/25
UPPER BODY8 rounds:No rest between exercises.8 Chest Press8 Cable Seated Row(rest :30 or less) 8 rounds:No rest between exercises.8 Machine Triceps Kickback8 EZ Bar Curl(rest

Wednesday 1/8/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSDB Prone Incline Row15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H) For time:1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9Power Clean 135/95Pull-up _______________________ STRONGFITWeek 22 rounds: (very light)12 Lateral Raise12 Front Raise12 Rear Delt Fly

Tuesday 1/7/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSDB Reverse Lunge (each leg)10(L) 8(M) 6(H) For total reps:AMRAP 2:00200m RunMax Wall Ball Shot 20/14 (rest 1:00) AMRAP 4:00400m RunMax Wall Ball Shot

Monday 1/6/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSDB Bench Press15(L) 12(M) 10(MH) 8(H) 6 rounds for time:6 Single-Arm Devil Press 50/35 (Left arm)6 Single-Arm Push Press 50/35 (Left arm)6 Single-Arm Devil

Saturday 1/4/25
SLEDS5 rounds:10m Sled Push20m Jog Shuttle10m Sled Push(alternate rounds with a partner) 80m Farmers Carry 4 rounds:20m Sled Push20m Jog Shuttle20m Sled Push(alternate rounds with

Friday 1/3/25
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSAMRAP 6:003 Power Snatch 95/659/6 Calorie Bike15 Double Under (rest 3:00) AMRAP 6:003 Clean & Jerk 135/959 Box Jump 24/2015 Air Squat (rest 3:00)

Thursday 1/2/25
Holiday Hours!7:00a-Noon – Open Gym ____________________ UPPER BODY8 rounds:No rest between exercises.8 Incline Chest Press8 Cable High Row(rest :30 or less) 8 rounds:No rest between

Wednesday 1/1/25
Happy New Year!Gym Hours: 7:00a-Noon ____________________ FUNCTIONAL FITNESS5 rounds for time:10 Pull-up20 Push-up30 Sit-up40 Air Squat(1:00 Rest) ____________________ STRONGFITWeek 12 rounds: (very light)12 Lateral Raise12

Tuesday 12/31/24
Holiday Hours7:00a-Noon: Open Gym _____________________ FUNCTIONAL FITNESSWith a partner for time:500/400m Row400m Run20 Burpee1000/800m Row800m Run40 Burpee1500/1200m Row1200m Run60 Burpee2000/1600m Row1600m Run80 Burpee _____________________ STRONGFITWeek

Monday 12/30/24
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSFunctional Total60 Minutes to establish:Back Squat 1RMStrict Press 1RMDeadlift 1RM __________________ STRONGFITWeek 12 rounds: (very light)12 Seated Arc Raise12 Lying Side Adduction12 H-Raise Dumbbell

Saturday 12/28/24
SLEDS80m Sled Pull Shuttle 80m Sled Push Shuttle60m Sled Push Shuttle40m Sled Push Shuttle20m Sled Push Shuttle(alternate shuttles with a partner) 80m Backwards Drag 80m

Friday 12/27/24
FUNCTIONAL FITNESSAMRAP 20:0080 Double Under40 Lunge20 Parallette Pass Through ___________________ STRONGFITWeek 12 rounds: (very light)12 Lateral Raise12 Front Raise12 Rear Delt Fly Dumbbell Shoulder Press15(L)

Thursday 12/26/24
Holiday Hours!7:00a-Noon – Open Game ____________________ UPPER BODYMachine Shoulder Press3×20 (M) Wide Grip Pulldown3×20 (M) Triceps Kickback4×15 (M) Bisolator4×15 (M) Multi-Triceps5×10 (M) Multi-Biceps5×10 (M) __________________

Tuesday 12/24/24
HOLIDAY HOURS7:00a-Noon ____________________ CROSSFIT“12 Days of Christmas”For time:1 Clean & Jerk 135/95200m Run3 Front Squat 135/954 Pull-up5 Burpee6 Toes to Bar7 Wall Ball Shot 20/148

Monday 12/23/24
CROSSFIT“Darst Vader”5 rounds for time with a partner:400m Run (together)40 Calorie Row40 Push-up40 Russian KB Swing 53/35 ___________________ STRONGFITWeek 12 rounds: (very light)12 Seated Arc

Saturday 12/21/24
SLEDS80m Sled Pull Shuttle 4 rounds:40m Sled Push Shuttle(alternate shuttles with a partner) 80m Sled Pull Shuttle 4 rounds:40m Sled Push Shuttle(alternate shuttles with a

Friday 12/20/24
CROSSFITDeadlift4×6 (H) For time:42-30-18Steps DB Walking Lunge (1×50/35)Calorie Assault Bike ______________________ STRONGFITWeek 32 rounds: (very light)10 Single Leg RDL10 Press-up10 Slow Mountain Cliimber Trap Bar

Thursday 12/19/24
UPPER BODY3 rounds:No rest between exerises.8-12 Pec Deck8-12 Chest Press(alternate rounds with a partner) 3 rounds:No rest between exerises.8-12 Rear Delt Fly8-12 Seated Row(alternate rounds

Wednesday 12/18/24
CROSSFIT5 sets:Max Strict Pull-up (unbroken)Max Strict Dip (unbroken)(rest 2:00 between sets) With a partner for total reps:AMRAP 12:001-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-etc…Burpee Over the BarPower Clean 135/95(alternate rounds with

Tuesday 12/17/24
CROSSFITBack Squat4×6 (H) For time:1000/800m Row400m Run50 Wall Ball Shot 20/14400m Run50 Wall Ball Shot400m Run1000/800m Row ____________________ STRONGFITWeek 32 rounds: (very light)10 Banded Good

Monday 12/16/24
CROSSFITStrict Press4×6 (H) 10 rounds for time:5 Toes to Bar10 Push-up15 Double Under _______________________ STRONGFITWeek 32 rounds: (light)12 Plate Circles (both directions)12 Plate Side to

Saturday 12/14/24
SLEDSContinue until failure:20yd Sled Push 45/020yd Sled Push 90/4520yd Sled Push 135/90etc…. Continue until failure:20yd Sled Pull 45/020yd Sled Pull 90/4520yd Sled Pull 135/90etc…. Continue

Friday 12/13/24
CROSSFITDeadlift4×8 (MH) “Grace”For time:30 Clean & Jerk 135/95 ______________________ STRONGFITWeek 22 rounds: (very light)10 Single Leg RDL10 Press-up10 Slow Mountain Climber Trap Bar Deadlift10(L) 8(M)

Thursday 12/12/24
UPPER BODYEZ Bar Overhead Triceps Extension10(L) 10(M) 10(MH) 10(H) EZ Bar Biceps Curl10(L) 10(M) 10(MH) 10(H) Nautilus Multi-Triceps12(L) 12(M) 12(MH) 12(H) Nautilus Multi-Biceps12(L) 12(M) 12(MH)

Wednesday 12/11/24
CROSSFITEvery 1:00 for 16:00Even – Strict Pull-upOdd – Strict Dip(+1 rep from last week for each movement) AMRAP 8:002 Wall Walk4 Single-Arm Devil Press 50/358

Tuesday 12/10/24
CROSSFITBack Squat4×8 (MH) For time:50 Thruster 95/6550 KB Swing 53/3550 Calorie Row50 Toes to Bar50 Hand Release Push-up _____________________ STRONGFITWeek 22 rounds: (very light)10 Banded

Monday 12/9/24
CROSSFITStrict Press4×8 (MH) 5 rounds for time:15/12 Calorie Assault Bike10 Burpee __________________________ STRONGFITWeek 22 rounds: (light)12 Plate Circles (both directions)12 Plate Side to Side (over

Saturday 12/7/24
SLEDS5 rounds: (building)20m Sled Push Shuttle(alternate shuttles with a partner) 80m Farmers Carry 5 rounds: (building)20m Sled Push Shuttle(alternate shuttles with a partner) 80m Farmers

Friday 12/6/24
CROSSFITDeadlift4×10 (MH) AMRAP 7:007 Thruster 75/557/5 Calorie Assault Bike _____________________ STRONGFITWeek 12 rounds: (very light)10 Single Leg RDL10 Press-up10 Slow Mountain Climber Trap Bar Deadlift10(L)

Thursday 12/5/24
UPPER BODY15-12-9Chest PressSupinated Pulldown(no rest) 15-12-9Shoulder PressSeated Row(no rest) 15-12-9Machine DipUpright Row(no rest) 15-12-9Nautilus PulloverNautilus Multi-Biceps(no rest) 15-12-9Pec DeckNautilus Multi-Triceps(no rest) ___________________ WEIGHTLIFTINGTesting this SaturdayRest

Wednesday 12/4/24
CROSSFITEvery 1:00 for 14:00Even – Strict Pull-upOdd – Strict Dip(+1 rep from last week for each movement) For time:50 KB Swing 53/3540 Push-up30 Toes to

Tuesday 12/3/24
CROSSFITBack Squat4×10 (MH) For total reps:AMRAP 5:0040 Wall Ball Shot 20/1480 Double UnderMax Calorie Row (rest 3:00) AMRAP 5:002 rounds:20 Wall Ball Shot 20/1440 Double

Monday 12/2/24
CROSSFITStrict Press4×10 (MH) For time:21 Clean & Jerk 115/759 Burpee Over the Bar400m Run15 Clean & Jerk15 Burpee Over the Bar400m Run9 Clean & Jerk21

Saturday 11/30/24
Regular Gym Hours! _____________________ SLEDS5 rounds:20m Sled Push Shuttle(alternate Shuttles with a partner) 80m Farmers Carry 4 rounds:40m Sled Push Shuttle(alternate Shuttles with a partner)